Those who are fortunate enough to have a real, true best friend often want to commit to the friendship. These people realize the value of their friendship and know it takes work to continue the relationship. Often best friends go to school or grow up together. As they grow up becoming adults the ability to see each other on a regular basis becomes a challenge as they must work at staying in each others lives. The bond between those who are so close is often celebrated with the exchange of friendship rings. The rings serve as a reminder to their friendships.

Buy Friendship Rings
by katiem2
Close friends, sister or brothers often symbolize their bond with a friendship ring. The rings serves as a reminder you have a friend, are never alone and can always count on me.
Double Infinity Friendship Ring
This is the best friends forever ring, for friends or sisters.
This double infinity knot ring symbolizes the two of you and the unending bond you share as best friends forever. This ring is nice for it's versatility and the understated design. It serves as a comforting reminder there is someone out there who totally gets you and is always there for you. A very comforting thought on those less than perfect days.
The Symbol of Friendship
Those sharing a special bond of true friendship realize the amazing gift it is and often celebrate it with the exchange of friendship rings.
It's not everyone who can say they have a true blue best friend. In fact many go their entire lives without ever forming such a special bond. For those of us who have one or more truly close trusted friends we understand how special it is.
Some friendships are formed during childhood continuing on throughout the lives of one another. These are truly special friendships and the rarest of all. Most friends tend to loose contact with one another or only do so after long periods of time. Regardless of the manner in which you stay connected with your best friend a friendship ring is a symbol given to a friend letting them know you will always be there for them. This symbol lets them know they can call you anytime for anything. If you are reading this you must have a best friend. Count yourself among the lucky few and don't hesitate to act on your instincts to let your best friend know how much they mean to you. Enjoy sharing the highs and lows of life together!
The Popularity of Friendship Rings
Have you ever exchanged friendship rings, bracelet or necklace?
Yes I have

I've exchanged friendship anklets, necklaces and rings, but not, surprisingly, bracelets. Never too late to right that!
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Friendship Rings Chat
DerdriuMarriner, No it is just my personal preference, once you follow the links to Amazon there are other metal choices.
katiem2, Am I just seeing the friendship rings that are made of silver or is that the only or traditional metal among friends?
2uesday, That's one of my favorites too!
Mike, I did too.
My sisters exchanged friendship necklaces many times through their lives. They are still very special keepsakes.
Brenda, This is true, anyone could wear this ring. I love it too, it's my fave. :)
I love that double infinity ring. I don't need a friend to wear that.