Buy Textbooks for College Online | Sell Used College Text Books for Cash

by lakeerieartists

Textbooks for college and university classes are necessary in order to do well in any college course. College students need their own copies of college textbooks to succeed.

Anyone who has ever gone to college can tell you that textbooks for college are very expensive. Traditional hardcover textbooks are still used in most colleges and universities across the United States because schools make a lot of profit on new textbooks, and therefore are slow to change their teaching methods. In fact, many students have to skimp on food, so that they can pay for their textbooks for class.

Textbooks for College are Expensive

Anyone who has ever gone to college can tell you that textbooks for college are very expensive. Traditional hardcover textbooks are still used in most colleges and universities across the United States because schools make a lot of profit on new textbooks, and therefore are slow to change their teaching methods. In fact, many students have to skimp on food, so that they can pay for their textbooks for class.

Textbooks for college and university classes are necessary in order to do well in any college course. There is no way to skip the step of buying books. College students need their own copies of college textbooks to succeed in class and get the best grades.

So how do you find the best deal on college textbooks?

One technique that college and university students have been using for years is to save money on college textbooks by buying used textbooks when they can.  Used textbooks are not always available because textbooks are revised often.  Another technique that college students often use is to sell their old college textbooks back to booksellers for cash.  Unless the student is keeping the textbook for a reference for future classes selling back textbooks for cash is an excellent plan.

Do you need cash to buy college textbooks? Sell your used books for cash to help buy the new books you need for this semester.

Getting a Bargain on Textbooks for College is a Real Challenge

Textbooks for collgeEven back when I went to college in the 80's, I spent hundreds of dollars each semester on college textbooks. The more specialized the classes became as I got closer to graduation, the more expensive the textbooks were.

Textbooks are essential in college, which in many colleges and universities is mostly taught in lecture halls and through a lot of textbook reading. So what are the options for students to help make buying textbooks for college more affordable?

There are a few choices that college students can make to keep the costs down for textbooks:

  1. Buy used college textbooks.
  2. Share textbooks with a close friend or roommate.
  3. Sell used textbooks back to booksellers for cash.
  4. Buy ebooks when they are available for your class.

Buy Used College Textbooks

The traditional route to saving money on textbooks for college is to buy used textbooks.  When I was in college, students scooped up the used textbooks as fast as possible to save money.  I am sure that is still true.  Used textbooks are cheaper than new textbooks, but they are used, and many of them are underlined, highlighted and not in the best condition.  Still they are one option that is available for college students.

If you are going to buy used textbooks, make sure that they are the same edition that is being used in the class.  Each new college textbook edition will have changes that may affect your grade.

Share Your Textbooks with a Friend

A much more effective option is to share a textbook with a friend or roommate.  You can both take the class at the same time and share your notes, books, and other resources OR you can take the class in consecutive semesters and pass the book back and forth.

This means your book will be half price if you can find a good person to partner with.  The key is to find someone who you can share well with, because you will both need that book to pass the class.

Buy and Sell Textbooks on Amazon's Textbook Store

Metabolic Syndrome: A Comprehensive Textbook

$512.14  $181.81
Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 4 Volume Set

$619.47  $354.0
1984: 75th Anniversary

$5.99  $11.98

Sell Used College Textbooks Back to Booksellers for Cash

Unless your college textbook is essential to your future career or as a reference for a future class, there is really no reason you cannot sell your textbook back to a bookseller for cash. College textbook booksellers keep track of which books will be used again the next semester, and they will give you cash based on the condition of your book.

Another possibility is to sell your book directly to another student.  If you can find another student who will be needing your book, then you can get more money for the college textbook that you are selling.

Go Green--Buy Textbooks for College in eBook Form

The best option that wasn't available back in the 80's when I went to college is to buy your textbooks the eco-friendly way. Buy textbooks for college in ebook format. If you buy college textbooks as ebooks, not only will you save money on your books, but you will also save the earth.

Ebooks are the future of the college textbook business. They can be carried around in a electronic reader like a Kindle, on a laptop, and saved for future reference. Not only that, we can save thousands of trees, and reduce our waste exponentially by using ebooks instead of traditional books printed on paper. And we can feel good about saving the earth.

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Updated: 09/28/2014, lakeerieartists
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EducationInfo4U on 03/27/2012

It is definitely a great way to go when trying to save money and budgeting in college, buy used books!!! Saved me a lot...

katiem2 on 02/18/2012

In addition, we love our Fire's amazing product. I'm hoping my daughter will be able to buy her books via kindle.

katiem2 on 02/18/2012

Thanks, My 15 year old is taking college classes this fall, working on her schedule now and I've been hoping for text book alternatives that save money.

BrendaReeves on 02/18/2012

You can also rent textbooks now. I wish I had kept my Norton Anthology of Literature. Things come up in my mind all the time that I want to look up.

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