Cardio exercises may not be your most favorite thing to do, but doing cardio on a regular basis is very beneficial.

Cardio At Home: The Best Exercises And Workouts
by ered222
Some creative ways to do cardio at home, without weights or equipment.
Most people find that doing their cardio workouts at the gym is the most effective way to perform them. They already have the equipment to satisfy their cardio needs at the gym, so they take advantage of them. But a lot of people don’t know is that they can get the same results at home with no workout equipment. You can get the same results, if not better results when you use your body weight alone. Gyms don’t want you to know this because all they want is to make money from your membership. All you need to do is to set aside some space in your house to perform these exercises and same time to do them.
Jumping Jacks
This is a basic exercise that helps you warm-up your muscles. It is important to warm up every time you workout to avoid any injures.
Squats are not only for cardio, but they also are great for toning and strengthening your legs. You can squat with your body weight or your can hold dumbbells by your sides. If you want to get more advanced you can hold a barbell behind your head and do squats.
HIIT Running
HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is a workout technique that involves alternating between running and resting for a certain amount of seconds or minutes. If you were to do HIIT running you would jog thirty seconds and then rest for thirty seconds, then jog for another thirty and then rest for thirty, until you cant run anymore. If you want a more intense workout you can sprint for ten seconds and then rest for ten seconds. Running is one of the best cardio exercise that you can do, especially when it’s mixed with HIIT. To find more about HIIT go to this page.
Jump Rope
Jumping rope is great for cardio and it is also good for your forearms. Jumping rope may be hard at first, so it may take some time before you can perfect it. I myself, still have trouble jumping rope.
Step Exercises
You can practically do step exercise for your entire cardio workout because there are so many exercises you can do with a step. These exercise get your heart rate up and also work your legs. The faster you can do them the better.
Anther option, you may have not thought of, is to run up and down stairs. It’s great because you don’t need to buy any equipment and it’s free!
If you have access to a pool, beach, or pond, swimming is the best cardio exercise that you can do. Swimming works every muscle imaginable and it will help you increase your heart rate.
So try these simple exercises at home and you will see that it is possible to do your cardio at home.
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