Carrying Yesterday's Potatoes

by Frans-Carel

This holiday season, it is time to evaluate your emotional potatoes. Read here to see an extremely easy way to identify and deal with yesterday's bag of potatoes.

We are all carrying a bag of “potatoes” over our shoulder as we walk through Life. When we encounter a person, place or event in the Now, we tend to reach back into past (bag of potatoes) and scrutinize the past outcome. We are re-living the now, based on our past. We all have those little quirks that we carry with us, but it is those exact things that make our load heavier.

The Bag

You have the possibility in you

The great thing about this “past-bag” is that it is possible to let it go. You simply have to take a deep breath and open your hands, letting go of the past potato bag and walk away.

In the good times we sometimes get it right to let go but at the first sight of trouble coming our way, we run back, pick it up and rehash the same old stuff. We would rather live the drama we know than to expand our horizons into the new and unexplored present.

The trick here is simple; the key is your breath. Sounds crazy doesn't it?

Letting Go

Release Your Potatoes
Letting Go of Time


Choose wisely

Remember your first kiss and your first big disappointment. Two opposite feelings. Remember the lightness and exhilaration of the unexpected feeling of young love in the pit of your stomach. It was overwhelming. A complete mystery. It was so great and big and well … it was everything. Your stomach turning around and around. Like most young minds you tried to rationalize it and contain it. It was a feeling that almost instantly became too much to handle. It was a wondrous feeling of losing control, floating, no restrictions and our minds did not like this one bit. No sir. It was not quantifiable, so it had to go.

Think back a bit, bad feelings have very similar symptoms.

So how can two such opposites create such similar reactions to such different scenarios? There is a common element. A singular consciousness, that drives out the mundane and forces options and choices right in our faces.

Change. The more you do it, the more you achieve. You can receive more, give more. Change never comes empty-handed. It always comes bearing gifts.

On the one hand you may choose the gift you know, your age old friend ... the potato. The gift of the known past. The potato will always have one thing attached to it; the fear of the unknown.

Or, you may choose the gift of getting out of your comfort zone, ready to grasp the change of extraordinary greatness!

Try This

Finding the Keys
  1. Take a Deep Breath

  2. Write one sentence to identify the common trend between your stories you tell people?

  3. Breathe Deeply

  4. Ask yourself, do you wish to change the trend?

  5. Breathe

It is important to breathe, for obvious reasons. However remember that you can only breathe now, not yesterday. Only now.

You now have the keys to the castle.

Further Reading

Let It Go Workbook: Finding Your Way to an Amazing Future Through Forgiveness

As you proceed on your path to personal growth and want to gain insight into what prevents you from being the husband, wife, parent, or creative person you were born to be, bene...

View on Amazon

Don't Let Me Go

Some people spend their whole lives looking for the right partner. Nate Schaper found his in high school. In the eight months since their cautious flirting became a real, heart-...

View on Amazon


Updated: 12/16/2012, Frans-Carel
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Rose on 03/05/2014

I guess most of us don't give ourselves time to just stop and think about where we are heading and whether that's really where we want to go.

katiem2 on 12/17/2012

How interesting, a very cool analogy of a common human condition. :)K

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