Meet Aspen the Yorkie, her portrait picture appears below. If you visit a Yorkie site or blog and see this picture, you know it's by us...unless of course someone thinks her picture is cute enough to borrow, but we hope that doesn't happen because it's copyrighted.
Dear Aspen went over the Rainbow Bridge in August of 2013, and though we miss her terribly, this page and some of her other places on the web remain and will always remain in her honor.
We'll share more about Aspen with more pictures on this page, it will be a bitter-sweet journey, but will bring back many delightful memories. At my side as I type is a new rescue, not a Yorkie but a Pomeranian that needed a home.
We hope you enjoy the selection of Yorkshire Terrier photo pictures and art that we have added here.
Tell us about your dog or say hello, we love hearing from our visitors
@DerdruiuMarriner No, Aspen's brother never came back for a visit, but we kept in touch with my former neighbor. She contacted me when her brother passed, which was during the year before Aspen passed. Thank you for your visit, I am in the process of updating this page :-)
happynutritionist, Thank you for such an endearing share. That's quite an adventure about who was scared of whom in the yard adventures of a Yorkie outnumbered by foraging bears! It's nice that it has a happy ending, with nobody getting hurt and predatory bears opting for non-aggression. Did Aspen and her brother see and recognize one another after he moved with your brother to Florida? Is Aspen's brother still alive?
Love the photos and my best friend has two. They are wonderful little guys
What a cutie and yes, I sleep with my two dogs.
So cute! I love yorkies, they are beautiful! And that name, Aspen, is so dang adorable too! I wanted a small dog for the longest time but my husband wanted a hunting buddy so we had to go with a large hunting dog. Sigh - maybe someday.
Thanks aj, we're lucky to have her, too. Thanks for being a fan.
Sweet and adorable Yorkie you have and it's amazing you've had her for so may years now. She is lucky to have you guys in her life!
Aspen and I thank you all...@GrandmaMarilyn, I think our little dogs are such yappy little things when they are excited that it scares even the largest of animals:-)
@ohcaroline they are inclined to be sweet, it's only if they aren't raised right that there's trouble...and Aspen has never even given biting or nipping or snarling a thought! 12 years.
Thanks @Petunia and @Jewels:-)
@lou 16 - how nice of you to share this page!
Thanks all, I think I've stopped by to visit you all:-)
I loved your pictures. Right now we have chihuahuas. A friend is living with us that has schnauzers. I think Yorkies are so cute and yours is adorable. I know what you mean about them being fearless. I watched my chihuahuas chase a pitbull down the road.
Yorkies are so adorable. They seem to have a very sweet nature. If I ever get another dog, it probably would be a yorkie. Yours is so darned cute!