Czech Republic Comfort Food Recipe: Potato Pancakes Stuffed With Goat Cheese

by DerdriuMarriner

Potato pancakes stuffed with goat cheese are simply and refreshingly delicious comfort food in the Czech Republic.

Potato pancakes stuffed with goat cheese (kozí sýr v bramboráku) always find a hearty welcome as comfort food in the Czech Republic.

These traditional favorites are brimming with straightforward flavor and tastiness. These pancakes gently fill the stomach and satisfy the palate.

The golden brown of potato pancakes contrasts appetizingly with the creamy purity of melted goat cheese.

Potato pancakes stuffed with goat cheese (kozí sýr v bramboráku):

sublimely delicious and satisfying Czech comfort food
Kozí sýr v bramboráku =  Goat cheese in potato pancake
Kozí sýr v bramboráku = Goat cheese in potato pancake

Back story: Czech goats


Cheeses in the Czech Republic may derive from various livestock, such as cows, goats, and sheep. Brown shorthair (Hned Kratkosrsta Koza), Swiss Saanen, and white shorthaired (Bilà Kratkosrsta Koza) comprise three of the most popular ovine breeds in the Republic.

  • Brown shorthair and white shorthaired were recognized as autonomous breeds in 1954 - 1955.
  • Named for the Saanen Valley in southwestern Switzerland, Saanen goats are renowned for their easy manageability and high productivity.


Potato Pancakes Stuffed With Goat Cheese (kozí sýr v bramboráku)

Prep time: 10 minutes -- Total time: 40 minutes

Ingredients for 6 servings

Cooking time and servings are determined by portion size. This recipe generally yields 4 to 6 large pancakes, which each require 2 to 3 minutes of frying per side.



2 cups shredded (8 ounce block) goat cheese

  • Or:  4 cups shredded (16 ounce block) for extra cheesiness


potato pancake batter:

6 medium potatoes (about 2.5 pounds)

1 teaspoon caraway seeds

1/4 teaspoon marjoram

salt (for sprinkling)

white pepper (for sprinkling)

1 cup flour

2 eggs

3/4 cup oil

  • Or:  3/4 cup (1.5 sticks) butter




1. Transfer 2 cups shredded goat cheese to medium mixing bowl.

2. Through the coarse setting, grate potatoes into a colander. Then drain any liquid by pressing.

  • Deposit gratings into a large mixing bowl.
  • Sprinkle with condiments (caraway seeds, marjoram, salt, white pepper).

3. Beat eggs in a small mixing bowl. Then mix in flour.

4. Add egg batter to potatoes and combine well.

5. Form thin patties and set on towel or platter.

  • Place handful of cheese shreddings in the center of half of patties.
  • Then cover each cheese patty with a patty and crimp top and bottom patties together along sides and ends.

6. Over medium-high heat in a large saucepan, heat oil until hot. Or, if using butter, heat until melted.

  • With a spatula or large spoon, carefully lower stuffed patties into hot oil (or butter).
  • Fry about 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until patties are golden.

7. Transfer from saucepan to paper towels or draining rack; allow to rest briefly.

  • Then place on serving plate. If desired, cut each patty in half.


Serve hot.


Makes 4 to 6 servings.


pure, milky white creaminess of goat cheese
Goat's milk cheese
Goat's milk cheese



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


Kozí sýr v bramboráku = Goat cheese in potato pancake: Dezidor, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @í_sýr_v_bramboráku.jpg

Goat's milk cheese: Jon Sullivan, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @


the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

The Czechoslovak Cookbook by Joza Břízová ~ Available via Amazon

In Czechoslovakia, a country known for fine cooks, a copy of Varime Zdrave Chutne a Hospodarne graces nearly every kitchen. Now this best-selling Czechoslovak cookbook has been adapted for American use.
Czech cuisine

Say cheese: black t-shirt ~ Available via AllPosters

Say Cheese
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Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

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DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 10/30/2014

Mira, This is a favorite recipe for me. It's refreshing at any time of day.
Me, too, I agree that goat cheese goes well with potatoes.
That's an excellent idea of accompanying this recipe with beet and arugula salad: yummy!

Mira on 10/30/2014

The taste of this has to be very good, since goat cheese go well with potatoes (unfortunately, it's seldomly served in this combination). I like to mix potatoes in my flour-based batters, but I've never tried it with pancakes. I can already see this with a red beet and arugula salad :)

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