DecoratingforEvents | Mandee Sears
by mandeesears
A brief bio about who I am, what I write about and where you can find me. I'm Mandee -- nice to meet you.
Facts and Tidbits
about Mandee
- My given name is Amanda but have been called Mandee all my life. If you call me "Amanda" don't expect me to answer -- it doesn't compute.
- I lived on Guam during 2nd semester of my freshman year and 1st semester of my sophomore year of high school.
- I have lived in 28 homes in 7 states, in 23 cities and 1 US territory
- I write sappy, rhyming poems
- I am passionate about memoir writing
- I love to decorate... anything!
- I am a nut for vintage and retro styles
- I have two wonderful kids -- Brendan and Haley
- My husband is my best friend
- I have worked with my husband for 22 out of the 25 years we have been married
- I love coffee -- plain, black coffee
- My mom is a real coal miner's daughter
- My dad was born in a funeral home (his family owned, operated and lived in it)
- My middle name is after both my grandmothers' middle name (Louise)
- I attended 5 high schools in 4 years
- I love Vintage Travel Ads
How it all started...
My Internet Experience
It's been quite a ride since then but things are getting better, little by little. The best thing that happened to me during this uncertain time was finding Squidoo. I had already been writing for another website that didn't have a revenue sharing program. It was more or less a multi-user blog.
I began my online career with a now defunct wedding forum website. I was part of a admin group that helped keep out the spam and not so nice comments while encouraging and helping brides-to-be. This was where I got my first taste of html.
I also developed and ran the website for our family owned business, until the fall of 2009 when we lost it. Nothing is forever in these uncertain times and we found ourselves searching for a way to rebuild like newlyweds just staring out instead of an old married couple.
It was my outlet and helped me stay sane at a time when insanity was knocking at the door. I found Squidoo last August through the SERPS while looking for a way to make an income with my computer. I joined immediately and made my first lens. It was addicting.
What I Write About
and Where
I write a lot about decorating for weddings, events, parties and fundraising galas. I also write about buffet decorating from my years as a caterer. Then there is the memoir writing, handy general purpose tips writing and writing about my favorite things.
I have a ball and earn some money at the same time. What could be better?
Since then, I have created my own websites and am working hard on those, learning more about online writing, SEO, backlinks and all!
Mandee at Wizzley
A Debt of Gratitude
In case you didn't know, I am a HUGE fan of AJ, Paula and Bev and they have put up with all my questions, concerns and ramblings in lady-like fashion. They taught me about keywords, backlinks, internet marketing versus traditional marketing, social bookmarking and many other elements I knew nothing about less than a year ago. I hope I can one day re-pay the debt I owe to these generous ladies.
Life Changes...
Again or Still?
As my family and I re-build, we are starting on another journey in a couple of weeks. We will be moving from sunny Florida to Indiana (not far from Miss Bev). It's a welcome change as both my family and my husband's have settled there and it will be like going home.
My time is divided between the computer, packing, sorting, donating and arranging details of our upcoming move. Hopefully I can get back at a more regular schedule once we are settled.
It was a bitter sweet decision to relocate. Though the opportunities for my husband made it impossible to pass up, we will be leaving my son here in Florida. He is doing great in his chosen career so it would be silly for him to leave. I know he is 24 but he is still my baby and I will miss him terribly. Our daughter is moving with us and will start her career in Indiana.
So, my husband, my daughter, myself, the dog and the two hampsters will have a change of address real soon!
Wizzley and Me
I was thrilled to get the invitation from AJ to join Wizzley. I like seeing a lot of familiar faces and the fact that we are all serious about earning an income (whether for ourselves or charity) by sharing our knowledge, passions and hobbies.
The diversity of this small, but ever growing group will make Wizzley a successful venture, of that I am sure.
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I'd love to hear from you
It is always nice to learn more about those we meet online and I have so enjoyed your tidbits, Mandee.
I enjoyed learning a bit more about you. I always enjoy your writing. I am glad you are here on Wizzley too.
Thanks for stopping by ladies! Yes Susan, I am and Amanda! LOL
Great to see you here Mandee - I also think that Wizzley will be a successful venture for all of us.
It's great to read more about you, Mandee. My SIL is Amanda-spelled-Mandi while my DIL is Amanda-spelled-Mandy. I figured you were an Amanda-spelled-Mandee. :) Best wishes for your move. I hope you'll be able to visit your son often!
Nice to meet you Mandee with 2 e's. Wow you lived in 27 homes. No wonder you were able to right that great page on Moving Tips. You have experience with it.
You're welcome AJ -- it's not much but from the heart. :D
I wish you and your family much luck, love and happiness as your make your way through rough times as well. We'll get there!
Oh Mandee, thank you. But you know it is so easy to want to help someone like you. Your smile is one that makes me smile.
Good luck with your move. I know how hard it is to make that decision and I wish you and your family every happiness in your new home.
LOL, not yet. But I plan to get her over here. Pat is an asset wherever she is. Thank you for your kind words. You know I love your work too!
Lovely to see you here, Mandee. You've achieved so much in a relatively short time with your hard work and talent. By the way, did you convince our dear Elf to join yet? :)