Don't You Love Bright Yellow Sunflowers?

by AngelaJohnson

Sunflowers are so colorful, easy to grow, and don't need any special treatment.

Last year I wanted to try growing sunflowers and chose a giant sunflower variety. I poked a hole in the ground with a screwdriver and dropped a seed in, continuing until I planted the whole package.

I watered the area slowly so water would soak deep into the ground. I watered again a few days later, and then a third time. After that, I left the seeds alone and the plants grew and grew. I was surprised at how many different varieties of bees and butterflies came to the flower heads, and also some hummingbirds.

Feeding the Birds Sunflower Seeds


Sunflowers growing under birdfeeders

I also grew black oil sunflower plants (by accident).  I have bird feeders and fill some of them with black oil sunflower seeds.  The birds often flick some of the seeds out of the feeders and onto the ground. 

One day I noticed small plants underneath the feeders, which later turned out to be sunflowers.  These sunflower plants are much shorter than the giant variety and have smaller flowers, but are still pretty. 

Just think - I feed the birds and they help to plant sunflowers!

Butterfly on Sunflower
Butterfly on Sunflower
photo taken by author

A Giant Sunflower Going to Seed

This dried flower head of a giant sunflower is drooping with the weight of the seeds.  I cut off  some of the sunflower heads and laid them out on a table in the yard to continue drying.  I later pulled out some of seed shells and cracked them open.  I ate some of the raw seeds but let the birds have most of them.

I left some of the heads alone and eventually the seeds dropped to the ground and will grow into sunflowers next year.  Of course, the birds ate some of them. too.  

Dried out sunflowers are not very attractive if you've got them in your yard or garden.  You may want to cut the stalks down and let thee heads dry somewhere else.  But watch where you put them because you certainly don't want to attract mice and other rodents!

Growing Wildflowers

These two books are just a sample of the many books on wildflowers Amazon offers. Click on one book and continue searching.
Wildflowers: A Guide to Growing and Propagating Native Flowers of North America (The New England ...

This most complete and authoritative guide to North American wildflowers offers clear and detailed information on growing and propagating 200 genera and 1,000 species of these p...

$65.62  $59.66
Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: A Field Guide to the Northeastern United States (Glassberg F...

Many of us have stopped to pick bunches of wildflowers or have admired them as they flourished in fields, hiking trails, and roads. Always appreciated but not always recognized,...

$47.27  $41.17

Giant Sunflowers I Grew

photos by author
Giant Sunflowers
Giant Sunflowers
Single Giant Sunflower
Single Giant Sunflower

Sunflowers Bring Me Such Pleasure

Bright Yellow Sunflower

This year we had sunflowers growing again and I didn't do a thing. They grew from seeds dropped from last year's plants.  And once again, I enjoyed watching the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds coming to the flower heads. 

I've gotten so much joy from sunflowers, I'm going to buy a large bag of sunflower seeds for bird feed and whenever I see a patch of bare ground that doesn't belong to anyone, I'll plant a few sunflower seeds (after a rain).  Who knows?  Sunflowers may be popping up all over and I'll be like Johnny Appleseed.

Did You Know You Can Make Sprouts From Sunflower Seeds?

Organic Sunflower Seeds Would be Healthier for You

Buy Sunflowers Seeds and Oil

Sprouts The Miracle Food: The Complete Guide to Sprouting

The Sproutman's guide to indoor organic gardening shows you step by step, how to grow these delicious baby greens and mini-vegetables in just one week from seed to salad. This g...

$12.95  $16.0
1 LB Organic Sunflower Seeds (Black Oil)

ORGANIC SUNFLOWER SEEDS (Black Oil) - 1 POUND Sunflower sprouts contain the complete amino acid profile as well as omega fatty acids, LIVE enzymes, and minerals. These Sprouts a...

Only $5.85
Flora Bija Organic Hydro-therm Sunflower Oil, 17-Ounce

Flora Oils are truly cold-pressed, unrefined and unmodified. Most seeds used in our oil pressing are grown organically by Canadian and U.S. farmers and are selected for their hi...

Only $32.76
Updated: 04/11/2015, AngelaJohnson
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AngelaJohnson on 08/19/2013

Groundhogs are hard to get rid of and they rarely move off. You might have to get a humane trap and move them somewhere or plant and then put chicken wire over the top of the ground where it can't be dug up, and then around the garden area, too.

jptanabe on 08/19/2013

I love sunflowers too! Unfortunately the groundhogs ate mine when I tried to grow them in my yard. I'll have to figure out a better plan for next year!

katiem2 on 06/04/2012

I love sunflowers, love the colors of your page and enjoyed reading about sunflowers. They are amazing and useful.

barbarab on 08/10/2011

sunflowers are a fav of mine as well!!

Michey on 08/08/2011

Yes I love them, they are decorative, and yellow in my mind is a color which inspire optimism, so I like it.
That painting with sun flowers in the vase is so beautiful, it is a Van Gogue.

Holistic_Health on 07/19/2011

I love it with they reach giant size. Always brings smile to my face. The seeds don't taste too bad either :)

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