Dying in July: Seven American Presidents Who Passed Away in July

by DerdriuMarriner

July, which is honored as the birth month for the United States of America, also holds the record as the month in which the greatest number of U.S. presidents have passed away.

July, the birth month of the United States of America as a nation, also stands out as the month in which the greatest number of U.S. presidents, a total of 7, have died:

• John Adams, 2nd U.S. President – Tuesday, July 4, 1826
• Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President – Tuesday, July 4, 1826
• James Monroe, 5th U.S. President – Monday, July 4, 1831
• Zachary Taylor, 12th U.S. President – Tuesday, July 9, 1850
• Martin Van Buren, 8th U.S. President – Thursday, July 24, 1862
• Andrew Johnson, 17th U.S. President – Saturday, July 31, 1875
• Ulysses S. Grant, 18th U.S. President – Thursday, July 23, 1885

The deaths of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Monroe occurred on Independence Day, July the Fourth. Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams passed away on the same Independence Day in 1826. Four presidents died early in July, under the zodiac sign of Cancer, the crab:
• Thomas Jefferson,
• John Adams,
• James Monroe, and
• Zachary Taylor.

Three presidents died later in July, under the zodiac sign of Leo, the lion:
• Martin Van Buren,
• Andrew Johnson, and
• Ulysses S. Grant.

"Writing the Declaration of Independence, 1776": John Adams (center) and Benjamin Franklin (left) joined Thomas Jefferson (right), in rooms TJ rented at the corner of 7th and High (Market) Streets in Philadelphia, to discuss and draft this great document.

oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (August 18, 1863 – March 18, 1930), no. 17 in The Pageant of a Nation series
Virginia Historical Society collection, Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC), Richmond, Virginia
Virginia Historical Society collection, Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC), Richmond, Virginia

Tuesday, July 4, 1826: death date for John Adams and Thomas Jefferson


Hailing from Massachusetts Bay Colony along Colonial America's northeastern coast, John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) met Virginia-born Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775 - March 1, 1781), where they served as delegates for their respective homelands.

The two statesmen, who figured prominently in the birth and early history of the United States of America as a nation, began a friendship that -- except for a decade-long falling-out, beginning sometime after Thomas' presidential inauguration on Wednesday, March 4, 1801, and ending on New Year's Day, Wednesday, January 1, 1812 -- lasted for the rest of their lives.

Among his many services to his country, John served one term as 2nd President of the United States, from Saturday, March 4, 1797, to Wednesday, March 4, 1801.


Defeating John's hopes for a second presidential term, Thomas served two terms as 3rd President of the United States, from Wednesday, March 4, 1801, to Saturday, March 4, 1809.

The two patriots shared the same death date of Independence Day in 1826.

  • Thomas faced death first, passing away at his home, Monticello, in Charlottesville, west central Virginia, around 12:50 p.m. at the age of 83 years 2+ months.
  • Unaware of Thomas' death, John, aged 90 years 8+ months, passed away five and a half hours later, at around 6:20 in the evening at his home, Peacefield, in Quincy, east central Massachusetts.


"Washington Crossing the Delaware": James Monroe, holding the flag, stands behind Commander-in-Chief George Washington.

1851 oil on canvas by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (May 24, 1816-July 18, 1868). The painting of an iconic event in Revolutionary War lore, is inaccurate: James Monroe actually crossed the Delaware with George's second cousin, Captain William Washington.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Monday, July 4, 1831: death date of James Monroe


Virginia-born James Monroe (April 28, 1758 – July 4, 1831) hailed from Westmoreland County in Virginia's historic Northern Neck, the most northerly of the Commonwealth's three peninsulas on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. He was born on Friday, April 28, 1758, as the first of four sons born to Elizabeth Jones (1724 – April 28, 1772) and her husband, Andrew Spence Monroe (1727 – February 16, 1774).

Youthful studiousness led James in June 1774 to begin studies in Williamsburg, southeastern Virginia, at the College of William and Mary, second only to Harvard University as oldest U.S. institution of higher education and also alma mater of Thomas Jefferson, who enrolled from March 25, 1760 to April 1762.

  • One year later, however, on Wednesday, June 14, 1775, the Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775 – March 1, 1781) established the Continental Army. The next day, on June 15th, the Congress appointed General George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799) as the Army's Commander-in-Chief.
  • On Thursday, December 28, 1775, the 3rd Virginia Regiment was raised at Alexandria, northeastern Virginia, to serve in the Continental Army.

Deciding to set aside his studies, James joined the 3rd Virginia Regiment in January 1776. He was commissioned as a lieutenant in February.

James' stellar military moments included:

  • stealthily crossing the Delaware River in the evening of Christmas Day 1776 with George Washington's second cousin, Captain William Washington (February 28, 1752 to March 6, 1810);
  • bravely fighting the next day, Thursday, December 26, 1776, in the Battle of Trenton, where he almost died when a musket ball lobbed by a soldier in the British Crown's Hessian garrison severed an artery in James' left shoulder;
  • promotion to major in 1777, with assignment to the staff of Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling (1726 – January 15, 1783), and subsequent, arduous encampment from January to June 1778 at Valley Forge, southeastern Pennsylvania;
  • participation in the Battle of Monmouth, which took place on Sunday, June 28, 1778, in east central New Jersey, and which, despite being considered an indecisive victory because of the British retreat from the battlefield, boosted morale and improved George Washington's reputation as the Continental Army's supreme military leader.

After resigning from the Continental Army on Sunday, December 20, 1778, James studied law with mentor Thomas Jefferson and devoted the next decades to exemplary government service, culminating in election for two terms as the 5th President of the United States (March 4, 1817 – March 4, 1825).

James was the fifth and last president from the Founding Fathers dynasty, which directed the early course of the fledgeling nation by way of the first five American presidents. “Founding Fathers” is a retrospective phrase referencing political leaders and statesmen who participated in the American Revolution.

As with his friends John Adams and Thomas Jefferson before him, James also passed away on Independence Day. Five years after their deaths, on Monday, July 4, 1831, death came to James at the age of 73 years 2-plus months. He passed away in New York City  at the home of his younger daughter Maria Hester (May 20, 1803 - June 20, 1850) and her first-cousin husband,  Samuel L. Gouverneur (1799 – September 29, 1865).


Zachary Taylor: 1848 oil on canvas by James Reid Lambdin (May 10, 1807 – 1889)

National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC:
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC:

Tuesday, July 9, 1850: death date of Zachary Taylor


Zachary Taylor was born on Wednesday, November 24, 1784, in Orange County, in the Piedmont region, in central Virginia, to Sarah Dabney Strother (December 14, 1760 – December 13, 1822) and her husband Richard Lee Taylor (April 3, 1744 – January 19, 1829). Zachary's father had served in the Revolutionary War, commissioned as a lieutenant on February 12, 1775 and discharged as a lieutenant colonel on September 12, 1781.

Around the time of Zachary’s birth his parents were in the process of moving from their native Virginia to settle on the eastern outskirts of Louisville, in north central Kentucky, where they accepted a land grant available to Richard as a result of his military service.

Zachary began his military career on Tuesday, May 3, 1808, with a commission as first lieutenant in the Army's 7th Infantry Regiment.

  • Over four decades Zachary defended United States' interests in military conflicts such as the War of 1812 (June 18, 1812 – February 18, 1815) and the Second Seminole War (December 23, 1835 – August 14, 1842), also known as the Florida War.

Zachary's stellar moments, responsible for assessment of his presidentiality for the 1848 national elections by political parties, occurred during the Mexican-American War (April 25, 1846 – February 2, 1848):

  • Although outnumbered by Mexican forces, Zachary achieved successive victories near Brownsville, in Texas' southernmost tip, in the Battle of Palo Alto on Friday, May 8, 1846, and then in the Battle of Resaca de la Palma on Saturday, May 9, 1846.
  • Rewarded with a brevet (temporary) promotion from brigadier general to major general as well as a formal Congressional commendation, Zachary was idolized as a popular hero and compared to George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) and Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845), both of whom glided into the 1st (April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797) and 7th (March 4, 1829 – March 4, 1837) presidencies, respectively, thanks to their military heroics.

On Tuesday, November 7, 1848, Zachary modestly won the 16th quadrennial presidential election with 47-plus percent of the popular vote and 56 percent (163 of 290) of the electoral votes.

  • Resigning his command over the Army's Western Division in late January 1849, Zachary prepared to serve as the only president since George Washington with a military, not a political, résumé.

His term as 12th U.S. President, however, was tumultuously brief.

  • On Tuesday, July 9, 1850, the 493rd day of his presidency, Zachary passed away, aged 65 years 7-plus months, in the White House.

Zachary had lingered for five days after falling ill during the Masonic cornerstone laying ceremony at the Washington Monument on Thursday, July 4, 1850.

  • The cause of his death has been attributed to fever from the heat and gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by improperly prepared food and/or poor sanitation.


Martin Van Buren

post-presidency official presidential portrait; 1858 oil on canvas by George Peter Alexander Healy (July 15, 1813 – June 24, 1894)
White House Collection/White House Historical Association
White House Collection/White House Historical Association

Thursday, July 24, 1862: death date of Martin Van Buren


Martin Van Buren was born on Thursday, December 5, 1782, in the village of Kinderhook in southeastern New York’s Columbia County. Martin's parents, Maria Hoes (January 16, 1747 – February 16, 1817) and her husband, Abraham Van Buren (1737 – April 8, 1817), were New York natives of Dutch descent.

  • In 1609, English sea explorer Henry Hudson (c. 1565 – c. 1611) gave the name Kinderhoek (Dutch: “children’s corner”) to the area in honor of Native American children who frequently played there.

In 1631, Martin’s ancestor, Cornelis Maessen van Buren (? – 1648), left his hometown of Buren, in the Netherlands’ central eastern province of Gelderland, to immigrate as an early settler in the Dutch colony of New Netherland on the east coast of North America.

  • Passed back and forth between the Dutch and the English, New York was restored permanently to English control, effective Monday, March 5, 1674, via the Treaty of Westminster.
  • Living in Dutch-populated communities in their new homeland, Cornelis’ descendants spoke Dutch as their native language and English as a second language. 

Drawn to the practice of law, young, bilingual Martin was admitted to the bar in 1803. A congruent passion for Martin was politics.

  • Martin’s political career began at the state level, with membership from 1812 to 1820 in the New York State Senate.
  • After serving as 14th Attorney General of New York (February 17, 1815 – July 8, 1819), Martin successfully sought public service at the federal level as United States Senator from New York (March 4, 1821 – December 20, 1828).
  • His return to state service, as 9th Governor of New York, was brief, from January 1, 1829 – March 12, 1829, for on March 5, 1829, 7th U.S. President Andrew Jackson appointed him to serve as 10th United States Secretary of State. Assuming the secretaryship on Saturday, March 28, 1829, Martin resigned 13-plus months later, on Monday, May 23, 1831.

By the time Martin realized his presidential ambitions, he had also served under Andrew Jackson's presidency as:

  • Minister to the United Kingdom (August 8, 1831 – April 4, 1832) and
  • 8th Vice President of the United States (March 4, 1833 – March 4, 1837).

As 8th President of the United States, Martin was elected only to one term (March 4, 1837 – March 4, 1841).

  • With the failure of two subsequent presidential attempts, in 1844 and 1848, Martin retired from public service.
  • After traveling abroad from 1853 to 1855, Martin focused on Lindenwald (German: "linden wood"), the estate on the Albany-to-New York Post Road, a few miles south of Kinderhook, which he had purchased in 1839.

Troubled by bronchial asthma and congestive heart failure, Martin passed away at Lindenwald on Thursday, July 24, 1862, at the age of 79 years 7-plus months.


Andrew Johnson

posthumous official presidential portrait; 1880 oil on canvas by Eliphalet Frazer Andrews (June 11, 1835 - March 15, 1915)
White House Collection/White House Historical Association
White House Collection/White House Historical Association

Saturday, July 31, 1875: death date of Andrew Johnson


Andrew Johnson was born on Thursday, December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, in northeastern central North Carolina. He was the second son and last of three children born to his parents, Mary "Polly" McDonough (July 17, 1783 – February 13, 1856) and her husband, Jacob Johnson (1778 – January 4, 1812).

  • The simple log cabin in which Andrew was born belonged to Casso’s Inn, which employed Mary as a washerwoman and Jacob as a hostler in the stables.

At age 10, Andrew joined his brother, four years his senior, in apprenticeship to a tailor, James J. Selby. Although Andrew was not enamored of tailoring, he appreciated the local residents’ habit of reading aloud while the apprentices learned their trade.

  • At about the age of 15, an unhappy Andrew abandoned Raleigh with his brother and ventured southward, first to Carthage, in southwestern North Carolina's Moore County, and then to Laurens, in northwestern South Carolina's Laurens County.

Although he found employment as a tailor in his new locales, Andrew returned to Raleigh for a spell.

  • In 1826 teen-aged Andrew uprooted again from Raleigh, journeying with his mother and her second husband, Turner Doughtry, across the Blue Ridge Mountains into northeastern Tennessee. They settled in Greeneville, named in honor of Revolutionary War hero Nathanael Greene (August 7, 1742 – June 19, 1786), reflective of the large population of Revolutionary War veterans, mainly from Pennsylvania and Virginia, settled in the nearby Nolichucky River Valley.
  • According to family tradition, Andrew arrived in his future hometown with a cart drawn by a blind pony.

Andrew's thriving tailor business also attracted residents, who continued the tradition of reading from printed material to entertain Andrew and his employees and who also debated political and social issues.

Andrew's entry into public service began with a successful bid for town alderman in the 1829 Greeneville municipal election. On Saturday, January 4, 1834, Andrew became mayor of his beloved hometown.

  • Over the next four decades, Andrew refined his political résumé through public service at state and federal levels, culminating in his election, with 55 percent of the popular vote and 91 percent (212 out of 233) of the electoral votes, as Abraham Lincoln's vice-presidential running mate on Tuesday, November 8, 1864.

Before a stunned nation, the 16th Vice President of the United States acceded to the top office of the land as 17th President of the United States on Saturday, April 15, 1865, upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865).

  • The aftermath of the Civil War, which officially ended on Tuesday, May 9, 1865, scarred Andrew's presidency, as the nation puzzled out reconstruction policies and procedures.

With the serious business of Andrew's impeachment trial for high crimes and misdemeanors beginning in the U.S. Senate on Friday, March 13, 1868, Andrew became the first U.S. President to undergo impeachment. On Tuesday, May 26, 1868, the Senate's tally of 35 guilty votes versus 19 not-guilty votes fell short of the two-thirds majority required for conviction.

Six weeks after Andrew's acquittal, he failed to secure his party's presidential nomination at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, held at New York City's Tammany Hall from Saturday, July 4 to Thursday, July 9. Andrew lost out to Horatio Seymour (May 31, 1810 – February 12, 1886), who, in turn, lost the  21st quadrennial presidential election on Tuesday, November 3, 1868, to Civil War hero Ulysses S. Grant (April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885).

After exiting the White House on Thursday, March 4, 1869, Andrew faced further disappointments, rejection, and tragedy:

  • His second son, Robert Johnson (February 22, 1834 - April 22, 1869), fourth in the birth order of Andrew's five children, committed suicide seven weeks after Andrew's last day as 17th U.S. President. Robert had served as his father's private secretary during Andrew's presidency. Robert also shared an alcohol addiction with his two brothers as well as with his father.
  • Andrew failed in two attempts to return to the nation's capital: as Tennessee's Senator in the 42nd U.S. Congress (March 4, 1871 to March 4, 1873) and as Tennessee's Congressman in the 43rd U.S. Congress (March 4, 1873 to March 4, 1875).

Andrew's losing streak broke, however, on Tuesday, January 26, 1875, with his election on the 54th ballot, by a margin of one vote, as Tennessee's U.S. Senator in the 44th U.S. Congress (March 4, 1875 to March 3, 1877).

Andrew's triumph was transitory, however, for, he was in office for only four-plus months.

  • Suffering a paralytic stroke on Wednesday evening, July 28, 1875, he passed away near Elizabethton, in northeastern Tennessee, at the farm of his younger daughter, Mary Johnson Stover Brown (May 8, 1832 - Apr. 19, 1883), on Saturday, July 31st, 1875.
  • In accordance with his wishes, Andrew was buried with a copy of the U.S. Constitution underneath his head and with the U.S. flag wrapping his body as a shroud.


Ulysses S. Grant

official presidential portrait; 1875 oil on canvas by Henry Ulke (1821-1910). With over 300 known photographs taken of him, U.S. Grant is deemed as the most photographed person in the 19th century, according to New York City-based collector Keya Morgan.
White House Collection/White House Historical Association
White House Collection/White House Historical Association

Thursday, July 23, 1885: death date for Ulysses S. Grant


Ulysses S. Grant was born on Saturday, April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, a small community in southwestern Ohio's Clermont County, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) southeast of the metropolis of Cincinnati. His parents, Hannah Simpson (November 23, 1798 – May 11, 1883), and her farmer-tanner husband, Jesse Root Grant (January 24, 1794 – January 29, 1873), gave their first-born child the name of Hiram Ulysses.

Young Hiram displayed an aversion for his father's odoriferous trade as a tanner. Instead, Hiram excelled as a horse-whisperer.

During his stint as U.S. Representative for Ohio's 5th District, from March 4, 1833 to March 3, 1839, Thomas Lyon Hamer (July 1800 – December 2, 1846) nominated gifted horse-whisperer for cadetship in the Fall 1839 class at the United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA) in southeastern New York.

Thomas, however, mistakenly listed his nominee's name as Ulysses Simpson Grant, a name change which Hiram accepted.

  • Ulysses' brilliance as a military genius was not evinced in the generally lackluster four years of his studenthood, from fall 1839 to graduation on Saturday, July 1, 1843.
  • Despite his equestrian skills, his low rank -- 21st out of a class of 39 -- disqualified Ulysses from preferred assignment in the cavalry.
  • Commissioned as a regimental quartermaster, with the rank of brevet second lieutenant, with the 4th Infantry Regiment, Ulysses planned to fulfill his minimum term of duty and then take up farming as an occupation.

Ulysses' first military assignment, in September, two months after graduation, was at the Jefferson Barracks Military Post at Lemay, in east central Missouri, under the command of Colonel Stephen Watts Kearny (August 30, 1794 – October 31, 1848), subsequently a hero of the Mexican-American War (April 25, 1846 – February 2, 1848).

  • Ulysses distinguished himself during the Mexican-American War, as part of Major General Zachary Taylor's Army of Observation, by leading a cavalry charge during the Battle of Resaca de la Palma on Saturday, May 9, 1846, and by transporting a dispatch through sniper-laden streets during the Battle of Monterrey (September 21–24, 1846).
  • Effective Monday, July 31, 1854, after 11 years of duty, Ulysses resigned from the U.S. Army, with the rank of captain in command of the 4th Infantry's Company F at Fort Humboldt in northwestern California. 

After about seven and one-third years of failing at everything he tried, Ulysses returned to the military to serve the Union cause in the War Between the States (April 12, 1861 – May 10, 1865), also known as the American Civil War.

  • Ulysses' skills as equestrian, leader, and strategist emerged so brilliantly during the troubled, young country's four years of bloodshed that he was perceived as the hero who, as with George Washington during the Revolutionary War eight decades earlier, saved his country in a critically divisive time.
  • On Wednesday, July 25, 1866, the U.S. Congress honored Ulysses with promotion to the newly created rank of General of the Army.
  • Two years 7-plus months later, on Thursday, March 4, 1869, Ulysses was inaugurated for the first of two terms as 18th President of the United States (March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1877).

Two months after exiting the White House, Ulysses and his beloved wife, Julia Boggs Dent Grant (January 26, 1826 – December 14, 1902), embarked on a spectacularly successful -- although financially costly -- world tour for 2 years 7 months, from May 1877 to Tuesday, December 16, 1879.

Financial difficulties plagued the last handful of years of Ulysses' life.

In March 1885 Congress restored the rank of General of the Army to him, making him eligible for the pension which he had forfeited upon assuming the presidency.

Faced with a dire diagnosis of terminal throat cancer, Ulysses marshaled his energies to focus on penning his memoirs in order to provide a financial legacy for his family.

Ulysses finished his memoirs on Sunday, July 19th, 1885, and passed away four days later, on Thursday, July 23rd, at the age of 63 years 2-plus months.


June 11 or 12, 1864: General Ulysses S. Grant at his headquarters in Cold Harbor, 10 miles (16 kilometers) northeast of Richmond, in south central Virginia

gelatin silver photographic print
gelatin silver photographic print

Conclusion: U.S. presidential deaths in July under Cancer- and Leo-governed skies


July stands out each year in the history -- past, present, future -- of the United States of America as the month in which a vast country became a nation of united states.

July also stands out, thus far, as a presidential death month, for the most number of U.S. presidents -- 7 out of 39 deceased -- have died in this heat-blistering month.

All seven deaths occurred in the nineteenth century, within a span of 59 years.

The order of succession in the presidency was reflected in the order of deaths, apart from two exceptions:

  • The 3rd president's death occurred about six hours before that of the 2nd president.
  • The 12th President preceded the 8th President in death by 12 years.

The first four presidents to pass away in July all died early in the month, under Cancer-governed skies, and within a 24-year period, between 1826 and 1850.

  • The first three passed away on Independence Day.
  • Two of those three passed away in the same year.
  • The third -- and, thus far, last to have a death date of July 4th -- passed away five years later.

The three presidential deaths in the last third of the month, under Leo-governed skies,  occurred over a 23-year period, between 1862 and 1885.


Birthplace and boyhood home of Andrew Johnson, the tailor who overcame humble beginnings to become 17th President of the United States.

Mordecai Historic Park in Raleigh, North Carolina
Mordecai Historic Park in Raleigh, North Carolina



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


"Writing the Declaration of Independence, 1776": John Adams (center) and Benjamin Franklin (left) joined Thomas Jefferson (right), in rooms TJ rented at the corner of 7th and High (Market) Streets in Philadelphia, to discuss and draft this great document.
oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (August 18, 1863 – March 18, 1930), no. 17 in The Pageant of a Nation series
Virginia Historical Society collection, Virginia Museum of History and Culture (VMHC), Richmond, Virginia: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Writing_the_Declaration_of_Independence_1776_cph.3g09904.jpg

"Washington Crossing the Delaware": James Monroe, holding the flag, stands behind Commander-in-Chief George Washington.
1851 oil on canvas by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze (May 24, 1816-July 18, 1868). The painting of an iconic event in Revolutionary War lore, is inaccurate: James Monroe actually crossed the Delaware with George's second cousin, Captain William Washington.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Washington_Crossing_the_Delaware_by_Emanuel_Leutze,_MMA-NYC,_1851.jpg

Zachary Taylor
election year portrait; 1848 oil on canvas by James Reid Lambdin (May 10, 1807 – 1889)
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC: Cliff (cliff1066™), CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @ https://www.flickr.com/photos/nostri-imago/2871187401/

Martin Van Buren
post-presidency official presidential portrait; 1858 oil on canvas by George Peter Alexander Healy (July 15, 1813 – June 24, 1894)
White House Collection/White House Historical Association: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mvanburen.jpeg

Andrew Johnson
posthumous official presidential portrait; 1880 oil on canvas by Eliphalet Frazer Andrews (June 11, 1835 - March 15, 1915)
White House Collection/White House Historical Association: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ajohnson.jpeg

Ulysses S. Grant
official presidential portrait; 1875 oil on canvas by Henry Ulke (1821-1910). With over 300 known photographs taken of him, U.S. Grant is deemed as the most photographed person in the 19th century, according to New York City-based collector Keya Morgan.
White House Collection/White House Historical Association: Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ugrant.jpeg

June 11 or 12, 1864: General Ulysses S. Grant at his headquarters in Cold Harbor, 10 miles (16 kilometers) northeast of Richmond, in south central Virginia
gelatin silver photographic print: No known restrictions on publication, via Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) @ http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2002736661/

Birthplace and boyhood home of Andrew Johnson, the tailor who overcame humble beginnings to become 17th President of the United States.
Mordecai Historic Park in Raleigh, North Carolina: Michael Helms (Mikehelms at English Wikipedia), CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons @ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Andrew_Johnsons_First_Home_2006.jpg

James Monroe: last of three presidents to die on July 4th; also instrumental as government servant and president in the extraordinary expansion of the young United States of America
posthumous portrait by Alonzo Chappel (March 1, 1828 - December 4, 1887)
E.A. Duyckinck, National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans (1861), Vol. I, opp. p. 448: Public Domain, via Internet Archive @ https://archive.org/details/01210470RX1.nlm.nih.gov/page/n662/mode/1up

"Gen. U.S. Grant writing his memoirs, Mount McGregor, June 27th, 1885"
U.S. Grant finished his memoirs the next month, on Sunday, July 19, and passed away four days later, on Thursday, July 23, 1885.
albumen photographic print by Howe, N.Y.; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division: No known restrictions on publication, via Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) @ http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/96522250/


James Monroe: last of three presidents to die on July 4th; also instrumental as government servant and president in the extraordinary expansion of the young United States of America

posthumous portrait by Alonzo Chappel (March 1, 1828 - December 4, 1887)
E.A. Duyckinck, National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans (1861), Vol. I, opp. p. 448
E.A. Duyckinck, National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans (1861), Vol. I, opp. p. 448

Sources Consulted


"Chronology." University of Mary Washington > Papers of James Monroe > Biography. University of Mary Washington. Web. academics.umw.edu

  • Available at: http://academics.umw.edu/jamesmonroepapers/biography/chronology/

Duyckinck, Evert A. Lives and Portraits of the Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Johnson. Portraits by Alonzo Chappel. New York: Johnson, Fry & Company, 1865.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/livesportpresidents00duycrich 

Duyckinck, Evert A. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans: Including Orators, Statesmen, Naval and Military Heroes, Jurists, Authors, etc., etc., from Original Full Length Paintings by Alonzo Chappel. With Biographical and Historical Narratives. In two volumes - Vol. I. New York: Johnson, Fry & Company, 1861.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/01210470RX1.nlm.nih.gov

Duyckinck, Evert A. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans: Including Orators, Statesmen, Naval and Military Heroes, Jurists, Authors, etc., etc., from Original Full Length Paintings by Alonzo Chappel. With Biographical and Historical Narratives. In two volumes - Vol. II. New York: Johnson, Fry & Company, 1861.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/01210470RX2.nlm.nih.gov

Fitzpatrick, John C., ed. The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren. In two volumes: Vol. II. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1918. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1920.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/cu31924024892709

Frassanito, William A. Grant and Lee: the Virginia campaigns, 1864-1865. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983.

Good, Cassandra. “James Monroe and the American Revolution.” Museum of the American Revolution > These Truths Blog. Museum of the American Revolution. Blog. amrevmuseum.org

  • Available at: http://amrevmuseum.org/blog/james-monroe-and-american-revolution

Grant, Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant. New York: Charles L. Webster & Company, 1885–86.

  • Available via Bartleby.comTM at: http://www.bartleby.com/1011/
  • Available via Project Gutenberg at: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4367/4367-h/4367-h.htm

Hindley, Meredith. "The Odyssey of Ulysses S. Grant." Humanities, Vol. 35, No. 3 (May/June 2014).

  • Available at: http://www.neh.gov/humanities/2014/mayjune/feature/the-odyssey-ulysses-s-grant

"Julia Dent Grant." Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site > History and Culture. National Park Service. Web. www.nps.gov

  • Available at: http://www.nps.gov/ulsg/historyculture/jdgrant.htm

Morgan, Keya. "Ulysses S. Grant Chronology." Ulysses S. Grant Homepage from the Keya Morgan Collection. The Ulysses S. Grant Homepage™. Web. www.granthomepage.com

  • Available at: http://www.granthomepage.com/grantchronology.htm

Peckham, Harriett C. Waite Van Buren. History of Cornelis Maessen Van Buren Who Came from New Holland to the New Netherlands in 1631, and his Descendants, Including the Genealogy of the Family of Bloomingdale Who Are Descended from Maas, a Son of Cornelis Maessen. New York: Tobias A. Wright, 1913.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/historycornelis00peckgoog

"Photographer Lists." LangdonRoad.com > Langdon's List of 19th & Early 20th Century Photographers. Langdon & Langdon. Web. www.langdonroad.com

  • Available at: http://www.langdonroad.com/

"Places to Go: The Tailor Shop, The Museum, The Early Home, The Homestead, The Cemetery." Andrew Johnson National Historic Site > Plan Your Visit. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior. Web. www.nps.gov

  • Available at: http://www.nps.gov/anjo/planyourvisit/placestogo.htm

Simon, John Y., ed. The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant (Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975.

Stryker, William S. The Battles of Trenton and Princeton. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company; Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1898.

  • Available via Internet Archive at: https://archive.org/details/battlesoftrenton00stry


"Gen. U.S. Grant writing his memoirs, Mount McGregor, June 27th, 1885"

U.S. Grant finished his memoirs the next month, on Sunday, July 19, and passed away four days later, on Thursday, July 23, 1885.
albumen photographic print by Howe, N.Y.; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
albumen photographic print by Howe, N.Y.; Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams; edited by Lester J. Cappon ~ Available via Amazon

The art of letter writing is exemplified in correspondence spanning five decades in the history of the young American nation and covering topics such as government, philosophy, religion, and family griefs and joys.
John Adams/Thomas Jefferson correspondence

The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and a Nation's Call to Greatness by Harlow Giles Under ~ Available via Amazon

A compelling biography of the epic story of James Monroe, the last of America's Founding Fathers;who transformed a small, fragile nation beset by enemies into a powerful empire stretching from sea to shining sea.
James Monroe biographies

The American Presidents Series: Zachary Taylor by John S.D. Eisenhower ~ Available via Amazon

Zachary Taylor: The rough-hewn general who rose to the nation’s highest office, and whose presidency witnessed the first political skirmishes that would lead to the Civil War.
Zachary Taylor biographies

The American Presidents Series: Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer ~ Available via Amazon

Van Buren, a native Dutch speaker, was America's first ethnic president as well as the first New Yorker to hold the office, at a time when Manhattan was bursting with new arrivals.
Martin Van Buren biographies

The American Presidents Series: Andrew Johnson by Annette Gordon-Reed ~ Available via Amazon

Andrew Johnson never expected to be president. That changed with President Lincoln's assassination. As 17th President, AJ ran afoul of Congress over Reconstruction and was nearly removed from office
Andrew Johnson biographies

Ulysses S. Grant: The Unlikely Hero by Michael Korda ~ Available via Amazon

A lavishly illustrated biography of the man who ended the Civil War, served two terms as president, and wrote one of the most successful military memoirs in American literature.
Ulysses S. Grant biographies

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner on 08/07/2014

VioletteRose, You share your birth month with some great people, some mentioned here and others as well. Best wishes for a happy birthday.

VioletteRose on 08/06/2014

Never knew about these that happened in July, especially the deaths of three Presidents on July 4th itself. July is my birth month!

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