Ego Leonard - Will you ever come to Australia?

by Jo_Murphy

Ego Leonard is a Dutch painter and sculptor. His oversized sculptures prominently feature Lego figures. It's a bit like the way Georgia O Keefe outsized flowers and insects.

The liquidly modern contemporary art world is filled with possibilities. It is artificial, abstract and otherworldly. Ego Leonard is often billed as an anonymous guerrilla artist, a street artist, a performance artist and ...all sorts of stuff. He is a postmodern enigma. Is he? Isn't he? As a matter of fact - WHERE IS HE?

Where is Ego Leonard?

He is just where you think he isn't!

Ego Leonard is a Dutch painter and sculptor. He is an elusive, anonymous guerrilla artist who we suspect invades the country sides with quizzical humour and with a touch of barb. (not Barbie - just barb). His outsized Lego figures just turn up places and they ask questions. Often questions that nobody wants to know the answer to. (Go figure!).

Apparently, Leonard made the sculptures that have been popping up on beaches around the world (and popping in) since the late 2000s.  LEGO minifigures become maxifigures that have been constructed from fibreglass. They can be as large as two and a half metres in height. They have the message “No Real Than You Are” in capital letters written on their torsos. 

Is Ego Leonard is the name of a person?  Is he or she a liquidly modern fictional character?  The name Ego Leonard can be reworked to read L, Ego or LEGO. The letters can also be rearranged to spell "A LEGO drone".

What's this on the beach?

Is it a bird? Is it a cod? No! It is a lego man

Leon Keer

Freeze frames from a video clip.

Keer confronts the viewer with the diseased spirit of our times

Keer is a thinker and he confronts the viewer with what he calls "the diseased spirit of our times", He points to visible decay while counter-pointing a timeless longing for unspoiled beauty. Leon Keer is a versatile artist who uses a wide variety of techniques, such as professional acrylic paints, adhesives, solvents, primers and tar and so much more. 
Leon Keer exhibited his paintings in various Dutch and UK Art Galleries. His work has been showed at several Art shows and Art Fairs in Europe and the US. If you like the teaser below cruise the ST Gallery.

Are you up for it?

There's a change a comin'
Liquid Modernity

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Juxtaposition brings together history and the present day

Browse the gallery it is really worthwhile

There is a whole exhibition of  the quirky artworks in the St Art Gallery. 

This post WWII school map shows how many people died in concentration camps.

Keer (2013) achieved this message by painting on to a vintage map. This juxtaposition brought together history and present,


The artist starts a public debate about the topics shown in the image. The painting below has been sold. You get the drift...

Ego Leonard.  

Hegemony is an acrylic paint on a vintage school map. It was created in 2013. 

Looking for EGO

Banks of the WarregoRiver

 I have been trying to work out whether Ego Leonard is still making world appearances. On his website, Keer says, "Since 2007, with the help of many friends worldwide, Ego has been putting in an appearance by washing up at various attractive locations all over the world."  My tip is that he will turn up sometime soon. If he does I will be the first to let you know! 

 Looking for EGO


Updated: 12/07/2023, Jo_Murphy
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Jo_Murphy on 12/18/2023

It was a mental institution. It still existed when I was young. By then, it was fairly humane.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/18/2023

The text appears to be a French alternative to the Italian custom of walling family members who acted or looked different -- such as Margaret of Castello (1287-April 12, 1320) -- in small rooms off the family chapel.

Online sources only bear Sandy Gallop images and information about a golf course.

But Sandy Gallop historically might have been a holding-cell for the family outcast, correct?

Jo_Murphy on 12/14/2023

I think it is because of the illusion of looking down into into ground. The girl,is way bigger than is comfortable.
If you read the text -it was about get rid of uncomfortable people
When we were young the saying was ‘ShuT up, or I will send you to Sandy Gallop’

DerdriuMarriner on 12/14/2023

The link that I accessed from your comment, in answer to my previous asking, 9 boxes down intrigues me!

Leon Keer mentions "anamorphic art."

Online sources put as a definition distorted projections of normal-appearing drawings. Lens, mirrors, specific views qualify as triggers.

Would the above apply to Misfit because of the face-on view appearing realistically in the first image and the succeeding views seeming drawn out?

Jo_Murphy on 12/13/2023

Yes, he does so much more, though. I have lots I could say about him.

DerdriuMarriner on 12/13/2023

Fingers crossed!

It's so interesting the way the Ego Leonard persona does lego figures and the Leon Keer actuality does three-dimensional street painting, such as of the ancient lego army.

Jo_Murphy on 12/13/2023

In another comment, I said that I have contacted Leon Kerr. Wouldn't it be amazing if he granted me an interview?

DerdriuMarriner on 12/12/2023

English Wikipedia adds as its next-last statement about Leon Keer that the latter "is often confused with Ego Leonard, the anonymous guerrilla artist."

I do not understand that phrasing, because of the information in "Lego Man artist revealed -- probably" by Deborah Netburn for the Los Angeles Times online Nov. 1, 2011 and in "Origin of Ego, the Artist behind the Lego Man" by Tim Yeager for his Sarasota Visual Art online publication Oct. 26, 2011.

So I go for the Netburn and the Yeager informations, because of your statement in the comment box below.

Might your statement "I will catch this up" mean a wizzley?

Jo_Murphy on 12/11/2023

So, EGO Leonard and Leon Keer are the same people. I will catch this up

DerdriuMarriner on 12/11/2023


Banksy perhaps is best-known of such street art to Unitedstatesians.

But the link in the third box down from this comment mentions other street artists, such as Leon Keer.

Might you have the time at some point to write a wizzley that summarizes the street name, style and success of Leon Keer and others?

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