Energy conservation is simple, and we can participate if we provide a little thought. But there are several impediments to conservation. Generally, these are the consequence of laziness, and of indifference to the effect on others. Simply put, human nature gets in the way.
People tend to do what is easy. In some cases, this is problematic. Another problem is that some people feel they have no responsibility to what happens to others. As morality declines these problems could become more severe. For many, laziness and indifference are not likely to go away just because a person learns more about the consequences of an action, but some with a moral code might simply need to see why little actions are important. Hopefully some are just uninformed, and they will change once having the problems pointed out.
Businesses do what they decide to, often with no thought of consequences. I did not read the report mentioned.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practical information and product lines.
Do you know why it is that businesses still use both after-hours lighting and intruder-alert systems for security?
Have you read the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on farmland for food and for products such as corn for ethanol and on forests?
Yes, it is the little things that are important. I have even seen signs on the highways operated by solar power.
I especially liked your comment about automatic doors. Little things like that or like solar-powered lamps in gardens can make a difference. I recently saw one such lamp on a billboard ad. It cost only $5. So many buildings which are illuminated at night could store solar energy during the day for that.