Film Review of Fort Apache: Shirley Temple in 1948 Western With Henry Fonda and John Wayne

by DerdriuMarriner

Characters played by John Agar, Henry Fonda, Shirley Temple, and John Wayne impact Cochise and Geronimo in the 1948 film version of "Fort Apache."

A decade earlier, director John Ford (Feb. 1, 1894 – Aug. 31, 1973) directed Shirley Temple in the 1948 western, "Fort Apache." "Fort Apache" is the first of two films that Shirley Temple made with her first husband, actor John Agar (Jan. 31, 1921 – April 7, 2002).

A teenager carries her mother’s and grandmother’s name despite no family member being from Philadelphia. She finds love in a remote fort despite no love being lost between pale-skins and redskins.

Will life and love survive bloodbaths around “Fort Apache”?


Tempers flare in Fort Apache by writer Frank S. Nugent; producer Merian C. Cooper; and producer/director John Ford. Archie Stout, Jack Murray, and Richard Hageman handle cinematography, editing, and music. Filming showcases:

  • California;
  • Utah.

James Warner Bellah’s (September 14, 1899 - September 22, 1976) 1947-published story “Massacre” inspired the film. The film was distributed by RKO. It was Phoenix- and Chicago-premiered on March 27 and 29, 1948.

The movie begins with stagecoachmen (Cliff Clark, Francis Ford) having widowed Lieutenant Colonel Owen Thursday (Henry Fonda) rest at Ma’s (Mary Gordon) 35 miles/56.33 kilometers south of Hassayampa. Owen dislikes:

  • Being demoted from General;
  • Getting Fort Apache’s cavalry command;
  • Relocating daughter Philadelphia (Shirley Temple) from Europe and New England.

Sergeant Festus Mulcahy (Victor McLaglen) escorts godson/Second Lieutenant Michael Shannon O’Rourke (John Agar) from Ma’s.

Captains Kirby York (John Wayne) and Sam Collingwood (George O’Brien) brief Owen. Sergeant Major Michael O’Rourke’s (Ward Bond) Medal of Honor from 69th NY Irish Brigade service explains son Mickey’s West Point commission. Owen opposes Philly marrying any non-commissioned officer’s son even though Mary O’Rourke (Irene Rich) helps Emma Collingwood (Anna Lee), cook Guadalupe (Movita), and Philly embellish Thursday quarters.

Mickey and Philly gallop towards Blue Mesa. They hasten back to report Barry’s and Williams’ massacres. Owen orders:

  • Mickey to lead corpse-retrieval detail.
  • A platoon to counterattack armed Apaches.

Owen and Kirby track Winchesters to reservation agent Silas Meacham (Grant Withers). They uncover:

  • Fixed scales;
  • “Rotgut” whiskey in Bible-marked boxes.

Owen accedes to Kirby’s and Spanish-speaking Sergeant Beaufort’s (Pedro Armendáriz) contacting Apache rebels. Cochise (Miguel Inclán) agrees to leave Mexico for peace talks in Arizona. “Johnny Reb” and Kirby return during the non-commissioned officers’ ball.

Owen announces the entire regiment’s mobilization for battle. Sam leaves without knowing about Emma’s receiving his transfer as West Point instructor. Apaches outnumber the regiment 4:1. Owen sends Kirby to negotiate peace. Cochise (c. 1805 – June 8, 1874) threatens to massacre all white-skinned people if Silas is not removed by dawn.

Owen commands four-man assault waves. He orders Kirby and Mickey to secure the supply wagons on the ridge. He puts Sam in command.

Kirby has Mickey ride to Fort Grant 110 miles (177.03 kilometers) away for reinforcements. He rides down to rescue Owen. Owen rides Kirby’s horse to the dugout that barely shelters the regiment’s few survivors. Kirby surrenders after Cochise’s warriors swoop down to kill Michael, Owen and Sam.

The movie ends with Kirby:

  • Becoming Lieutenant-Colonel/Commander;
  • Chatting with Lieutenant O’Rourke – Philly’s husband and Michael Thursday Kirby O’Rourke’s father;
  • Defending “Thursday’s Charge” to journalists (Frank Ferguson, William Forrest, Archie Twitchell);
  • Fighting Geronimo (June 1829 – February 17, 1909).


Fort Apache trailer

Uploaded to YouTube on August 8, 2008 by cushing97380 ~ URL:



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


Monument Valley, southeastern Utah: Marc Averette (Averette at en.wikipedia), CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons @

cushing97380. "Fort Apache trailer." YouTube, Aug. 8, 2008, @


the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

Fort Apache was the first of two films that Shirley Temple made with her first husband, John Agar. ~ Available via Amazon

Their second film together was Adventure in Baltimore.
Fort Apache (Rent or Buy with 1 Click)

Shirley Temple Black's autobiography ~ Available via Amazon

Child Star: An Autobiography

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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DerdriuMarriner 16 days ago

Fort Apache lends itself well to a remake with a prequel and a sequel and to a series.

The above-mentioned film merges fictional and historical personages into actual and fictitious events. It offers many opportunities for seeing what strength and what suffering pale- and red-skins showed in Unitedstatesian stretches ever westward.

Perhaps characters, plot, setting, timeline warrant a mini-series that wends its way into John Agar's and Shirley Temple's characters' son working in the West with his growing-up, grown-up family and that works Cochise's and Geronimo's and their people's fates as well.

Would a Western remake, prequel and sequel or a Western remake and series work despite the scary-movie trend during and since the pandemic shutdown?

DerdriuMarriner 19 days ago

The computer crashed afore I conveyed another component of my observation and question.

Might it not be educationally entertaining and entertainingly educational to muster a remake of Fort Apache as well as its prequel and its sequel?

DerdriuMarriner 26 days ago

Characters from different biogeographies and cultures, plots with individual and mass implications and settings with turning-point Unitedstatesian histories cry for at least one sequel, don't they?

It's unfortunate that Fort Apache invoked no sequel, no series.

Now who today might move the most meaningfully through such a remake and such a sequel?

DerdriuMarriner 29 days ago

The computer crashed before I communicated another component of my observation and question in the comment box immediately below.

Isn't it interesting that Natalie Wood and Shirley Temple each mastered western-film acting before age 21?

Natalie was an 18-year-old at the time of The seachers even as Shirley Temple was a 20-year-old!

DerdriuMarriner on 12/20/2024

Among my favorite westerns are Fort Apache and The searchers.

Their place on my most-loved westerns interests me even as each film includes among its cast and crew a significant child star itinerating into young and then grown-up films.

Which film might I like less, like more?
Neither matters less or more to me since each one measures equally highly among my best-loved films!

DerdriuMarriner on 02/16/2014

Mira, "Fort Apache" and "True Grit" are two of my favorite John Wayne movies; he had a naturally true grit which comes through, especially in those two. And "The Searchers." And "The Sons of Katie Elder," etc.
Yes, Shirley Temple being in the film was a special treat. She must have been so thrilled as a young actress to be in this film, with its stellar cast and crew, including John Ford as director.

AbbyFitz on 02/13/2014

This was my favorite john Wayne movie. Shirley temple was icing on the cake!

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