Fireflies flash to signal that they're looking for a mate.
In general, you'll see the male fireflies lighting up as they fly. The females stay put near the ground. When a female sees the flash of a male firefly, and if she is ready to mate, she'll flash back. They'll continue flashing back and forth to each other, like in a "call and response" dialog, until the male reaches the female.
Each species has a different flashing pattern, and they only respond to that pattern.
HOWEVER....some species of already mated females will then change their flash pattern to a different species pattern, luring in the male, and then...EATING it! I guess that's a way of getting sustenance without killing off their own males (such as in praying mantises, in which the females eat the males after mating!).
Not all firefly / lightning bug species flash as adults. In the United States, most of the flashing fireflies live in the east half of the country, while most of the firefly species that live in the west half don't flash. Perhaps those species find mates through pheromones, or by visual cues. But all firefly larvae, and firefly eggs bioluminesce.
The glowing and flashing of the adults, larvae, and eggs also serve to warn other animals that they taste bad.
Do You Have Fireflies Where You Live?
Fireflies are unique species! This just reminded me of Princess and the frog movie firefly, ahh he was so adorable and cute! Sadly I never see them in here.
So I can say "Love is in the air" when I see fireflies flashing all around me on a summer night! Loved reading this.
We have many fireflies where I live during the early months of summer. Catching jars full of them and keeping them for a night in their bedrooms was a fun thing when my children were young. Then we let them go the next morning.
I grew up in Illinois and used to get so excited seeing them light up the sky...always tried to catch them, but let them go. Though we have the beautiful Rockies of Glacier National Park in the summers we're in NW Montana, haven't seen miss them!
I love fireflies. They make me think of my childhood. I caught many a lightening bug in a glass jar.
Fireflies do seem magical and are a sight I'd love to see. I had no idea that the females will eat the males though!
I saw many of them growing up in Illinois...but I don't recall seeing them in Florida. Interesting facts on these cute little bugs.
Yes, we have fireflies or lightening bugs in my area. I still love to watch them at night.