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Can I get some feedback, please?

Been a while since I used a real writing site! Transferring this from 'somewhere' looking for formatting feedback.

Posts: 7
on 05/14/2014


I haven't written or edited a proper article for quite a while - moving this one over from another site and wanted comments on formatting etc.

My biggest concern is the amount of text - should I break it up with more pictures, polls etc.?


Thanks in advance!

Posts: 77
on 05/14/2014

Hi Simey!

I'm glad you've found your way here. Yes, break up those text capsules with pictures, maps and videos. It does take a little bit of time to get used to writing long-form articles again. 

After a few tries, I'm getting back into the swing again. 

Posts: 478
on 05/14/2014

It's a nice read but as Nelda says, you could break it up with covers of books from Amazon and other bits.

Posts: 1816
on 05/14/2014

Hey SimeyC!

Lovely to see you over here too! <3 

Breaking text up with pictures is always good. It makes them much more 'pin-able' on Pinterest, plus it just looks pretty.  However I'm with Mira here - adding products in provides pictures AND makes it more likely that you'll achieve a livelihood here.

Posts: 100
on 04/02/2015

I actually think the layout on this page is pretty good, and I liked your choice of authors and the way you write about them, and the amount you write about them.

My one comment or suggestion is actually about the debate module, the question about Lord of the Rings.  You only give two answers:

  •  Of course it is - are you kidding me? Here's why:
  •  It's an overated piece of garbage - here's why:

These are both pretty extreme answers, and I'd imagine this could deter a lot of people from answering if (like me) they have an opinion but don't feel comfortable voicing it as strongly or absolutely.

If I were to ask a question like this, I'd first qualify it with "Do you think Lord of The Rings is..." instead of just "Is Lord of The Rings..." because I think this makes clear it's opinion.  But then I'd word the answers much more mildly and inclusively.  No "of course", no "are you kidding me".

Like I know it's joking around but like...I dunno.  I tend to react negatively to these sorts of things and I tend to just not feel comfortable voicing my opinion at all then.  I also sometimes close out of pages if they have too much stuff like this!

That's my only recommendation for an improvement that I could think of!

Alex Zorach, editor of RateTea and co-founder of Why This Way
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