on 08/07/2013
Hello, I just recently joined Wizzley a few days ago. I'm still learning a lot about the site and hope to be able to publish a lot more Wizzley articles. I'm really enjoying the site and find it pretty easy to make use of the modules and write my article though I do still have a lot to learn so some things still confuse me.
I just published my first Wizzley article entitled Pink-Colored Bags For School and would like some feedback about it. Any help, advice, tips, suggestions, etc would be greatly appreciated. I would like to know how to improve this article.
I also have some questions about this site and the article I just published. If you take a look at the above article, you'll see a lot of spaces between the modules. I would like to know how to remove these spaces. I've searched around the site and found some mentions of a space module but apparently, this no longer exists? May I ask how to get rid of these spaces then?
And, how can I properly align two modules side-by-side because some of my modules in the article aren't properly aligned? They look fine in edit mode but when in page view, they're not all aligned.
Also, I've read that new users to Wizzley are supposed to publish 5 articles that must be approved before they can continue to write for the site as well as something about having links be no follow until that time. My question is, how will I know if the article I just published has been approved? Will Wizzley be sending me an email about it? And what happens if my first article isn't approved? Can I fix it to get it approved? Or will I have the chance to write another article?
About the Wizzley account settings where it says "report invalid links", may I ask what this means exactly? It's checked on my settings but what does this do?
Regarding comment notifications: I've commented on a few articles and I've ticked the "notify me of new posts" when I submit my comment. I noticed that I would get an email from Wizzley when there's a new comment on the article and, when I log on to Wizzley, there's a flag that shows up mentioning the notifications.
My question is, is it possible to opt out of receiving an email every time someone comments on an article I'm following but would not stop me from getting the flag notification about this whenever I log on to Wizzley? If so, can anyone tell me how to do this?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this long forum post. Any help is greatly appreciated.
on 08/07/2013
Hi Ceres,
1. Lines of white space at the end of modules. Just make sure your cursor is at the end of your last word of text. Just hit backspace until it is.
2. Alignment of modules. Unfortunately, you can't perfectly align a module on the left to one on the right. They go the highest they can go. Otherwise, you'd end up with lots of white space if you had, say, a large/long text box on the left and a shorter Amazon product box on the right.
3. Opting out of emails. You can simply choose that in settings at "New articles of my favorite authors." instead of "Daily digest," you can opt for "Don't notify me."
I'm not sure about the rest. Maybe someone else will pitch in.
on 08/07/2013
I left you a couple of messages with suggestions.
Katie McMurray
on 08/08/2013
CeresSchwarz: 08/07/2013 - 01:00 PM
My question is, is it possible to opt out of receiving an email every time someone comments on an article I'm following but would not stop me from getting the flag notification about this whenever I log on to Wizzley? If so, can anyone tell me how to do this?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this long forum post. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Yes, to opt out of e-mails for an article there is a link in the email that asks if you want to stop receiving them - just click on it and your done.
Or when you click on that little flag, there is also an option to stop receiving notices. Very simple.
on 08/08/2013
Hello Mira. Thanks for the answers and the welcome.
1. That's what I did but my article still has a lot of white spaces. It happens every time I start a new module. There's this huge chunk of white space that appears when viewing the page and yet it doesn't appear whenever I'm in edit mode.
In edit mode, it looks fine but not in page view and I'm wondering if it's possible to get rid of that white space or lessen it at least? I think I've seen it in some other articles here too.
2. It's too bad about the alignment of modules. I know what you mean about the white space and having a lot of text on the left side and a shorter Amazon product to the right because that's what happened with my first article too and I had a hard time trying to fix it and align the modules.
3. About this, if I opt for the "don't notify me", I won't get emails then? But, will I still get a flag notification here when I log on to Wizzley? Will I still know that there's a new comment to an article I'm following? Because I only want to opt out of getting the emails but not the notifications here on Wizzley.
on 08/08/2013
Hello katiem2. Thank you for the response and suggestions. I'll be checking out that message now.
on 08/08/2013
Hello Dustytoes. Thanks for the response.
If I do what you said, will I still get the little flag notification whenever I'm logged on to Wizzley? Because I only want to stop receiving the emails but not stop getting the notifications whenever I'm on Wizzley. Is that possible?
on 08/08/2013
There's no excess white space other than beneath the first Amazon carousel.
You'll get the little "flag" even if you stop the emails.
I recommend a little patience - you'll figure it all out in a short while.
What's really important right now: Your article looks a bit rehashed and not very unique - like a template of sorts.
We're looking for compelling content, not filler text for the purpose of ad placement.
By 'filler text' I mean phrases such as:
"Are you going to school?"
"Are you looking for ...?"
"Check out these ..."
Also, your overuse of key phrases looks like keyword stuffing, and bolding tons of brands and names is bad practice.
Let's first see if you can create an interesting article. Everything else will fall in place.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/09/2013
Hello chefkeem. Thank you for the tips and feedback.
I'm now working on fixing my article.
It's good to know I can still get the notifications even if I stop the emails. But how do I stop the emails? Do I just uncheck the "notify me of new posts"? Or is it something in my settings?
on 08/09/2013
CeresSchwarz: 08/09/2013 - 06:56 AM
Do I just uncheck the "notify me of new posts"?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/11/2013
Thanks chefkeem.
I just tried this on a Wizzley article I commented on.
I've also finished making changes and edits to my first Wizzley article and have just published it again. Hope I've been able to make all the necessary corrections and fixes.
But I'm rather unsure about what you mentioned about 'key phrases' and 'keyword stuffing' since I'm still learning about this topic so I'm not sure if I was able to fix this part properly. I would appreciate knowing if I missed anything and what I can do to correct any problems or mistakes.
Would also appreciate any more feedback, tips, advice and suggestions for improvement: How to Choose the Best Pink-Colored Bag for School?
Thank you very much .
on 08/12/2013
Well, I've approved your first article - with mixed feelings. Your article is a combination of a few useful tidbits and a ton of filler text (questions, rewrites of Amazon reviews, etc.).
You seem to have a good grip on language and writing. Why not write a truly interesting and useful article, maybe with fewer ads and more in-depth info?
Especially after all the recent changes to the Google algo, these types of long sales pages with relatively thin content won't be very successful in the long run.
Re: key phrases and keyword stuffing - please google it. It's part of the basics of online writing.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/12/2013
Okay, thank you for the feedback and suggestions . I'm still learning and will continue to learn about all of these things.
on 08/28/2013
The text in this article reads as extremely repetitive to me. It sounds like you're saying the same thing over and over again. The page is really long, and there's lots of text, and the text isn't interesting and doesn't seem to be communicating much useful information to me.
Also, you don't share much from your personal experience.
I'd really encourage you to rework this before writing new articles. I think it's good that chefkeem has set high standards on this site, and I do agree with him that the quality of this work is marginal.
I would really like to see you share more from your personal experience...what experience do YOU have with different types of bags? How to decide the type of bag? What are the sorts of needs that most school-age kids?
Do boys ever want to buy a pink bag? (I am a 33-year old man and I actually own a pink backpack, and before that I owned a purple backpack). Think outside the box. I liked the comment you made about writing on a bag and personalizing it--this would be an advantage of a plain-looking bag that some people might not have thought of.
Make the page focus more on unusual or new points like that! And cut out the repetitive / empty text. You have many paragraphs that just look like filler and I think that really damages the article.
Good luck!
on 09/16/2013
It looks like you left out some pictures where that white space is below some of the headings. I guess maybe that might be what other people were talking about about the white space. But, separating the text into smaller paragraphs was good, because it made me feel like actually reading the whole thing. I guess the content of the article isn't too interesting to me, because pink isn't my favorite color, but I'm sure some other people found it interesting.