on 02/23/2012
I have just published my first article on Wizzley. I would be interested in any constructive feedback as this is the first tme I have used this site.
I have written on this subject before as I felt I need something I could write about with ease for my first atempt, but this article is completely new I've copied nothing from elsewhere. An Auction Site Like Ebay?
on 02/23/2012
Good article, and something what I was looking for actually. There seem to be some minor typos in the first part, but the rest is great!
on 02/23/2012
Oh, just noticed, the links you put in go to Ebid UK, as Wizzley is an US site, you might be more successful with pointing them to the US version. But sure looks like a great site to me, as I am in Europe, there are good possibilities for me. I stopped selling on ebay some time ago, for exactly the reasons you mentioned.
on 02/24/2012
Thank you for your comments. I hadn't noticed the typos so thanks for that. I'll go and put them right.
on 02/24/2012
I'm on a roll now and have created 2 more pages this morning. I have also installed a spell-checker on my browser, so hopefully I've made fewer typos.
on 03/01/2012
It's with great reluctance that I inform you that your Wizzley is extremely boring. Rarely have I read such inane somnabilulousity. You really must try harder.
on 03/01/2012
Tone it down, Bard. Give constructive criticism...or none. K?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 03/01/2012
Well here is my constructive opinion. This Wizzley was a promotion for ebid - whatever that may be. What do you want me to say? Great Wizzley - carry on the good work? Sometimes the truth hurts, but it may encourage better and greater content.
Look - if you don't like my input I'll walk away.
on 03/01/2012
Don't insult my intelligence with your attempt at sarcasm, Bard. You know exactly what I mean.
The truth? You even admit to not knowing what he's writing about.
Sparring with you is only then fun, when it doesn't involve name-calling and putting down other people.
And, threatening me won't work. Nope. Sorry.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 03/01/2012
Why would you think that your intelligence was insulted? Nor did I make an attempt at sarcasm at you. A cynical comment perhaps which you erroneously took personally. Nor did I employ any name calling. Nor did I threaten you. "If you don't like my input I'll walk away." That's not a threat. Although it could be conceived as one if misundertood. "I made you a cake. If you don't like it don't eat it!" Same context.
I understand where you are coming from though. You have a long standing hang up with me. But that's your problem not mine. You are the boss here. Like I said "if you don't like my input I'll walk away." But please don't attempt to thrust and parry my words to suit. We are not fencing partners.
By the way, I'm surprised you didn't spot the deliberate spanner - "somnabilulousity - I made that up. Especially for you.
on 03/01/2012
No hang-ups with you, personally - only with your occasional rudeness. No matter how much you deny it - calling someone else's work "extremely boring" and "inane" without giving specifics...is damn rude, I'd say.
I enjoy our witty banter, but I won't stand for personal attacks directed at one of our members.
As far as I'm concerned, everything has been said and this discussion is over.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 03/01/2012
Well it isn't over for me. Calling an article "extremely boring and inane" is not being rude. It is an observation. I accept that I may have not qualified my statement, but just go and look at it.
Indeed, there are only four people on this forum - two of whom are us. How on earth are you going to encourage quality articles if you do not permit constructive comment.
I suspect my comment will either encourage the author to make a better stab at his work, or may leave Wizzley because he was offended. Your attitude is softly softly. Is it a question of quality or quantity?
If someone said to me that my Wizzleys were boring or inane - then I would do something about it. I may be taken aback somewhat, but I would take it on the chin and be challenged to make them better. That is the only way to improve.
You defended an author not on the quality of his work, but attacked the critic who had the audacity to complain about it. That is wrong my dear friend. You should have let it flow and see how it developed, but you were too quick to respond - in defence of your new Wizzleyite.
Too quick to find me at fault, without making a constructive critique of your own. I suspect your personal emotions got the better of you and you shifted to a knee jerk reaction.
Anyway - I don't need to be pushed - I will leave gracefully.
(I edited this to remove the caustic expletives and churlish, supercilious content)
on 03/02/2012
There are actually more than four people on this forum, but some might just opt for not answering a thread / entering a discussion like this. Constructive critique comes from construct, meaning to build up, what you provided was destructive critique, destroying critique.
on 03/02/2012
Both articles are straight to the point and explain the topic well. What I would add on each is a section about 'negatives / for whom this might not be right' to round the review a bit up. Also a short section about how you use this tool / service or something funny you experienced whilst using it might liven things a bit up, but I would keep that section short ;-)
You might also want to add more articles to the same topic and interlink them with your main article, like:
What you need to do before ...
Posting your first item ...
Dos and Donts at ...
Mistakes I made when using ...
Common mistakes to avoid at ...
How not to get sales with ... (your experience/ your funny mistake)
Hope that helps a bit ;-)
on 03/06/2012
How about a few images to provide a bit of eye candy? I would like to see a screen shot, of the Ebid logo, or something that would give me a better idea of what to expect from the Ebid page layout.
Welcome to Wizzley, hope you find it a friendly site to publish your work. Mike