The only way to get a hitch is practice, nobody is truly a natural at anything, they just worked on it in some other way than an obvious one and since they can't see how they did it or that it seemed effortless, it seems like some people are born lucky, but luck is just being prepared and acting on opportunities- often it boils down to focus and interest- what you do those to, will manifest...
They say anything is possible with practice- anything. Wordpress is becoming a staple in my site building experience, it's fun, managed, easy to use (to some degree but you get it eventually), and with the right theme or skin to start with you can quickly build a phenomenal site (I'm not up for building from scratch, no time, no energy for that- although I'm making headway haha... unfortunately the theme I'm using is older but newer and the new model uses a whole new child theme layout concept (called skins) so nothing is available yet...
In the mean time I'm trying to build mock sites to play with features, figure out wordpress completely (75% there) and get to the degree where I can drop a site quickly from my past templates etc... there is a way to save your layout tweaks as sort of modules like we use here (in my theme not raw wp)- you build it, tell it what it is, what to load, how to load it, then you can save that as a module of a sort and plug it in instantly in the future or move it to another site and plug it in, tweak settings etc...... Convenient...
The more I learn about WP the more I like it- I have had the wp bible for 5 years now never cracked it open... I did read it a bit in the store... I thought I'd better play around so I know what the hell they are tech speaking about in the book- they don't hold back on tech talk and I don't know much about CSS /style sheets and PHP... and don't care to learn (well CSS may be important)... I can tell you Arlene you may want to brush up on some CSS as it's what gives you god control over your aesthetics and some functions (as well as fonts, sizes, etc...)- you don't need it but eventually when your skills are good you will want to know how, I think.
My method of hitting harder topics for me is to just read them like a story, don't try to grasp anything the first read- get CSS for dummies (I'm planning to)... I find that exposure often helps build folders for your mind to quantify things, little by little you start to get it, the spotlight gets bigger and before you know it you get this...
and Arlene, I just got my first smart phone and it's an amazing way to raise your productivity, I never knew so much could be monitored, notifications made, reminders, all that, it's like what used to be scattered everywhere now exists on my phone, I spent 40% less time on the actual computer, I can do anything from that smart device :) but I can't seem to log into wizzley to edit, see stats, etc... seems to be a read only site for the phone?
Good Luck! It's an intriguing lesson wordpress is...
ArleneVPoma: 03/26/2013 - 11:49 PM
Ah, Jerrico!
Some of us have a hitch in the git-along when it comes to tech! I still own a "dumb phone."
I do try my best to learn new things, but my "best" is very, very slow.
Anyway, a very helpful post! I believe I got into WordPress at the right time!