I know, some of you think, so what's the problem? Just cut them into 12 1k word articles!
(I'm just sharing my excitement with the community here)...
I've moved over 4 hubs so far from hubpages, The truth about Caffeine, Building Rapport With anyone, Cancer, How Modern Times May Be Killing You- What You May not Know...Why we say Bless you!...
These were basically long hubs in the first place (all but the bless you one), roughly 1-3k words each. I wanted to edit them and format them but as I edited I started to add to them only to find I spent 18 hours (on each one), and now have 12k word articles created. I even hit the module "Limit" of 76 modules in a single wizz! (I had to do some cleaver maneuvering to clear up one text capsule so I could add my conclusion paragraph!)...
I don't think spending 18 hours per article is going to be an effective way to move my hubs over... granted I think the 3 of 4 that were published were well done, look great, and are informative- I have reservations that people may not read all of it...(that's what the toc is for right? pick what you want to know and go right there, it's like a site inside a page)....
I'm just venting my personal frustration here- nothing bad, I'm just like OMG why can't I just write or edit an article quick and to the point? lol... I think the issue here (a non issue) is that this sites so dam fun to format (pages) and as I format I get inspired, as I get inspired more words flow out of me and well, I'm having a hard time getting off the ride haha.
I've come to realize something fascinating about Wizzley vs. Hubpages building (hubs vs wizzes). Hubpages doesn't really give you much leeway to get creative visually or with your capsules- there are limitations that frustrated me, but wizzley gives me practically free rein in how I make the page look, down to the background color and pattern!
With this much "creative control" my brain is overstimulated with excitement and power, empowerment really- the very way you let us do so much actually incubates creative flow, ambition to write and make it really cool, and it seems to stimulate parts of my brain that I thought were dormant. It seems platforms can be cumbersome and stifle creativity- but Wizzley- this platform is a writers wet dream- forgive my french :)
Just wanted to share my insight- I am writing up a wizzley community hub right now that goes into this further, but it may be years before I finish it- it's already going to be chopped into three different articles with similar but different explanations... Thanks Wizzley for being so awesometastic- I'm going to root down and make this my "home" writing site- even if HP lets me back in, which I'm confident they will, All new stuff will go here.