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Be prepared for the flu.

Posts: 1087
on 01/11/2013

I have a long-time, online friend who is into homeopathic remedies and when my son got sick yesterday with the flu he recommended this.  Oscillococcinum

Today my son is feeling better, even though we didn't begin the meds when he first got sick (which is suggested).  It tastes good, has no side effects, does not cause drowsiness, and has no drug interactions.  It works against flu-like symptoms of body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue.  You can take it if you are 2 years of age and older.

I will be keeping it in the house - shelf life is 5 years - just in case, and I wanted to share the info if (hope not) any of you get the flu this winter.  I bought it at a local health food store. 

FYI - stay well!

Posts: 478
on 01/12/2013

Hi Pam, that's the only one I use for the flu, unless I get complications. I got a bad cough last fall.

But you can also take it once a week during the flu season to prevent the flu. I don't know if it was Oscilococcinum that kept the flu away, but when I did that, I never got colds or the flu.

on 01/12/2013

Thanks for this!

We try to boost our immune systems year round, with Wild Oil of Oregano, Grifron Maitake With D Fraction and, of course, nature's antibiotic...garlic!

But this wouldn't be a bad idea...will definitely give it a try. Always more to learn/try...


In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
Posts: 1087
on 01/12/2013

Thanks for that additional info Mira.  I am shifting my way of thinking toward natural and homeopathic remedies so it's all new to me.

Robin, I also eat garlic and take echinacea as soon as I feel threatened by illness (kids bring it home ;), but I think I will keep this stuff in the house from now on.

This (Saturday) is my son's 3rd day with the flu and he has had a shower and ate some breakfast.  Also his fever is gone.  It's been a while since we've had to deal with the flu, but as I recall it seemed to drag on longer.  I'd like to think this medicine is working to make him well quicker.

on 01/12/2013

I spent some time looking it up this morning and it really does get impressive reviews.

Dustytoes, there is so much to learn out there, but I've spent nearly a decade doing so...There are absolutely products in nature that support a healthy immune system.

We've destroyed our immune systems in modern society, eating "dead foods," taking antacids to reduce stomach acid need for digestion/absorption when our bodies actually give us what we need, autoimmune diseases that never existed 100 years ago and alarming cancer rates that also never existed that go hand in hand with the advent of processed foods (oh boy, I'll stop there...I could go on for hours). The key area I focus on is the immune system - doing all I can to keep it as strong as possible.

As my holistic MD doc says, the body heals - throughout history, it has. Today, it seems everyone is falling apart all ages! Not a good sign. A healthy immune system is your ammo to fight disease, in my opinion. I don't take antibiotics at all because it takes months to repair the damage they cause.

Anyway, I'm glad you are exploring natural products. I rarely buy an all in one like this, but am impressed with the reviews. Usually I take a lot of individual immune enhancers - ones that show the most promise. I buy dandelion root powder in bulk, for example, and put in capsules myself.

Can't remember the last time Jim or I had a real cold or flu. We all can get run down or an odd bug, but that lying in bed, fever/chills, cold/flu etc...hasn't happened since 2008 I believe.

In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
Posts: 1087
on 01/12/2013

I also believe that our bodies can heal themselves.  I am also against eating processed foods and now that I don't have to please a husband who ate like a child, I can concentrate on eating healthy.

I am only just getting into the homeopathic area of it all, but have been taking natural supplements for many years.  I agree with you that the immune system is most important.



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