on 08/28/2012
You know that scene in the first Matrix movie where the black cat passes the doorway then a second later it happened again- exactly the same? Then they said- it happens when they change something in the matrix...
I just approved two comments I KNOW I approved yesterday or the day before... was here looking to see if it was just me.

on 08/28/2012
Jerrico, did you approve the comments on the article I commented? The one you said it could be your second wizzography?
If yes, I got a message saying someone commented when mine was the last. Seems like you just re-approved it
on 08/28/2012
I did approve it then had to reapprove it or my brains starting to crash lol
on 08/28/2012
Posts: 578
on 08/28/2012
Hey Jerrico,
did you see this problem regularly? Or did you approve lots of comments in a short time?
The actual approval runs invisibly behind the scenes. On top of the page, you sometimes see "Loading ..." ... or even "Error". Maybe there was an error ... and the comment just appeared to be approved ... just a guess.
on 08/28/2012
No it was approved a few days back I'm sure as it was my comment I checked back when he replied :)
on 08/28/2012
do do do do do (think eery science fiction music)
on 08/28/2012
Yep, I remember too, I did approve his and another but I didn't do it all in one swing, I even went to each page to respond, nothing unusual, just that the next day or two days later I went in and there were two comments awaiting approval, to make it weirder there was no flag telling me this, I just happened to click into the comments module and saw the top two relit up... at this point Simon it's sporadic but I haven't been working on wizzley for a few days so...
I reported it only because sometimes this triggers other to report if it's happening to them then we know if there is a problem or a ghost in the machine :)
Let's see if it happens again to anyone else.
on 08/29/2012
(said tongue in cheek with an Agent Smith like voice)
I'd like to share a revelation Ive had during my time here..... You see, it came to me when I tried to classify your species and found out your not actually writers....Writers, Jerrico, will write on a topic and produce loving prose and use wonderful spelling and grammar, you Content Producers do not write.
You create information about researched topical niches until there are no more topical niches left. You spread and multiply your content until every natural niche is produced with some content. Now when a writer writes about prose, they share a natural equilibrium with your readers....You content producers do not....
There is another name for your species Jerrico , do you want to know what that is?
You are a virus Jerrico, and we are......the cure!!!!
(Could not resist this, I am a huge Matrix fan  )
on 08/29/2012
Totally, me too, I actually produced a track using matrix quotes (mp3s), some music I created with some serious bass (blew out 3 speakers in my ride!), and using several sounds from walmart (where I managed at some point). I created it as a funny parody to walmart (take the red smock or the blue one haha)... that whole dialogue was in there but separated lovely-
I loved your interpretation of writers as the "virus" agent smith is talking about- it seems we're infecting the web with our very presense, using up all resources until nothing's left, ... hehe
The matrix track can be seen in my Youtube acct here: (sooo cheesey I know but I couldn't help myself- I made it to boost moral of my cashiers I oversaw, but nobody gave me feedback...
