Posts: 379
on 12/05/2012
As I sit here enjoying my first of many cups of latte today, I'm reflecting on my past two months at Wizzley (inspired by Jo's fantastic Tips and Tricks after 350 pages on Wizzley article) I've made my first few sales on Amazon, received a few viglink and Adsense clicks and I'm really quite pleased with it all. I want to set some goals for the first 6 months of next year and to have this forum post to refer to so that I can monitor my progress. I'm hoping to have written my 100th article here by June (I'm a pretty slow writer so I think June is fair) and to have set up a Zazzle store and learn more about Zazzle and design.
What are your writing goals for next year and how are you going to achieve them?
on 12/05/2012
I want to be making 1,000.00 a month by this time next year on Wizzley and Squidoo... My immediate goal is to finally have the rest of my HP articles on the site by this time next year too, Having all my articles monetized to the gills (learning as much as possible this year where I don't know much or need polishing) and inserting missing components like interactives (polls etc...) and my content polished as well (I'll be going through all of my posts again when I hit the magic 300 number.
I want to have at least 1,000 articles on wizzley and published by next year same time, and I want to generate 3x the money I have been in my freelance gigs...(meaning more working, got too comfortable)...
I hope my books are finished by then too....
on 12/05/2012
On to the next stage of my online endeavors.
2013 goals is to target 10,000 sales in total across all my ebooks.
on 12/05/2012
Thank you for reading my Tips and Tricks. :)
As for my goals, that's the million dollar question for next year. I've been putting feelers out amongst a few of the veteran writers here, just to learn what my options are. One thing that I can say with certainty is that I'll still be on Wizzley. I love it here. But probably not at the no life, break neck, unhealthy speed that I've been working at of late.
I'm also strongly considering a couple of eBooks. By considering, I mean the content. I am going to write them.
Suite101 has suddenly woken up and I've had some invitations from channel owners there. So that's not as dead in the water as it was even a month ago.
I'm going to pay more attention to my Zazzle stores too. While also sifting through what else is out there. Maybe put some articles on Squidoo and a wordpress site of my own. I'll have to explore Clickworker and others more too.
So, as you can see, a lot is up in the air right now. I'll use the Yule period to work it all out, which is what the Yule period is for!
Posts: 379
on 12/05/2012
It will be interesting for us all to come back in 6/12 months time and see what has transpired! Exciting!
on 12/05/2012
This is great- now THIS is a forum thread!
on 12/05/2012
YES. I like this thread too.
My goals, to learn how to make some steady money. Realistically, Any amount that comes in regularly makes my life so much better.
I'd like to learn how to find topics better. Once I get a topic, I'm off and running, but I'm spending too many days sometimes trying to come up with something to write about.
I want to learn more about SEO stuff. I feel like I'm behind the curve on that but the thread on learning one thing at a time was very insightful.
I want a car. O, well, soon.
Thanks for the thread!
on 12/05/2012
This is fun. Here goes:
- Improve my time management (not easy when caring for an elderly mother)
- Get organized (This has been on my list for 63 years)
- Write a series of "How to Articles" for Wizzley
- Make my self-hosted blog profitable
- Get tons more products up on Zazzle
- Post Zazzle products with my own illustrations. Gotta do the illustrating.
- Pay off my remaining bills
Brenda Reeves
on 12/05/2012
Brenda, add all of yours to mine - Especially #2 haha!
on 12/05/2012
Am I the only student writer here on Wizzley? That's sad if I'm all alone. I manage a lot considering classes the whole day, assignments in the night and as I really want to get into the freelance writing business - I even write for many clients on elance.
At present also creating an affiliate based site which is going slow. Will have to wait for my vacations which will be only in June. So not a lot when it comes to 6 month plans. But, by this time next year I would want to reach at least $500 monthly from my online writing other than freelance work. It's not a big jump as I'm only depending on a few more articles here and on "the other site" plus my new website. Let's see what happens - I'll be back!
on 12/05/2012
My goal for next year is a little corner shop. I'm looking to buy or lease it and open an internet cafe of sorts for writers to come hang out and bouncing their creative energy off one another.
I've also had a play I wrote picked up by the NY school system they want to include it in their theatre curriculum. If it works out that I get to keep my copy write I may take the offer. I'd love to work hands on and have expressed my interest with this amazing admin. chic who found my play online and fell in love. It's a huge play with a cast of 27 about the environment, a work near and dear to my heart, SOOOOooooo I might be working in NY....
Katie McMurray
on 12/05/2012
WOW!!!!! Katie!!!!!!
Posts: 379
on 12/05/2012
katie that's amazing, I'm so crossing my fingers for you- what an achievement.
I'm with Brenda and Ragtimelil re getting organised as well. I need to focus more and stop getting distracted- I find prolonged periods of concentration very difficult.
Just reading everyone's comments demonstrates to me how motivated everyone here is. Every one has so much ambition and the *virtual* atmosphere here is so positive.
Jo, don't forget us when you become a published and best selling author. *grins* because I know that the published is in the air but I also think *best selling* might be, too.
Brandon, I think you've done really well managing your studies and all your online activities. I've no doubt that you'll achieve what you set out to do.
on 12/05/2012
Katie, that's amazing :) Do keep us in the loop. If they liked it, I'm sure you'd get a chance to go watch your play enlighten plenty of other young hearts
Posts: 379
on 12/05/2012
Writing a novel is an amazing achievement IMHO. You sound like you've got next year well and truly planned, Arlene. I think you're right about wanting to write it makes a massive difference to the work you produce.
on 12/05/2012
How inspiring to read what all of you are doing!
Katie, a special congratulations! What a super achievement!
Arlene, amazing what you have accomplished! Now comes the real work.
Brandon, it's not easy to continue writing amidst all your class work, etc. What are you studying, by the way?
Kangaroo Jase, why not write a Wizzley article about marketing your e-books. I'll bet many of us could learn a thing or two from you.
As for me, I have just published another children's book and hope to write some articles to promote it. I also have gotten letters from two classes of third graders who loved my Fiona book and have asked me to write a sequel. That's something I hope to complete over the next few months.
My second publication is called Treasure in a Mountain Cave. I have written on the blurb on the back cover that it's the first in a series, so I'd better get cracking and finish at least another story in that series.
I have two wordpress sites that I have been neglecting, one about Pocket Poems and the other about the stone chapel my husband and I are building where we live. We are moving slowly as he is working full time as well. I would like to develop a routine -- there's that need for organization theme again -- in which I'm focusing on one type of writing per day and moving forward steadily.
On Wizzley you should be seeing some articles about my children's stories. I will probably write to promote my Zazzle stores, and maybe try to focus on holidays and seasons as well. I may write some more children's craft articles, too.
I have a feeling this will all take me longer than six months.
Good luck to all of you in reaching your goals. Sometimes when we write them down like this, it helps us achieve them.
on 12/05/2012
Perseverance is what I am thinking while reading this thread!
I am in awe of all you excellent writers. Books and plays! Wow-eeee!
Katie, that is sooooo awesome! Yes, keep us informed, please.
I have only one goal as far as online stuff goes. I have been wanting a nice website - a place to keep all my designs (the best ones) for customers to find. Because of the cost, and lack of knowledge as to how to make this happen, I have been putting this off, but 2013 might be the year to jump in and give it a shot.
I have the feeling that you are all much more focused than I am...
Best of luck to all. I certainly enjoy what you guys write here and spend far too much time reading great articles during the day.
Brandon - I may not be a student but I feel like one most days! You are doing something great for yourself and one day you'll have more time - but you may be middle aged before that happens ..
on 12/05/2012
Thanks everyone I'll keep you up to speed
Katie McMurray
Posts: 379
on 12/05/2012
It's brilliant to hear what everyone has planned. I can't wait to see what we all achieve together! Woot!
on 12/05/2012
Shielamarie, I'm doing my Mechanical Engineering - 3rd semester atm.