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Google Auto Ads

Posts: 626
on 03/01/2018

Hi guys, just a quick question as just got a heads up from the big G about a new offering in ad types that would require a small piece of code added to content pages.

Is Wizzley going to include this code in order to activate G auto ads, and if so when will we be able to see the results in any of our pages. It will obviously be easier to include in future Wizzles, but is there any timetable for rollout to existing Wizzles.

NB: If not yet aware one can see the new offering in ones AdSense account page.

Humagaia loves you all - maybe will see you again soon, but still travelling and collecting pictures in South-East Asia.

Posts: 979
on 03/06/2018

Nice bit of info.  I know nothing about it but eager to learn. Thanks 

Katie McMurray
Posts: 34
on 07/04/2018

Id love to learn how to sell Amazon Prime right now!  Can anyone help ASAP - how do we code this new stuff?

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