on 08/04/2011
I literally published a wizzle 14 hours ago and then went out for the rest of the day. I just checked back now and it is indexed and my traffic today has been 75% from Google and I have already had hits on my Amazon mods.
Simply amazing! Thanks for the opportunity to contribute Wizzley Wizards! 
on 08/05/2011
If you had created more wizzles instead of goofing off for 14 hours, you would be a rich lady by now!
Just kidding, Mandee. I couldn't resist.
Thanks for the great news and kudos. I really think our strict quality consciousness pays off.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/05/2011
I'd have been hurt if you didn't rib me Chef! 
And, I agree about the quality standards you all set up. I couldn't be happier!
on 08/05/2011
Doing the happy dance for you, Mandee!
on 08/05/2011
Thanks Bev! Got a booth space in Greenfield with mom and sister. Having a blast!
Also, opened Amazon Associates this morning and already made a sale on one of the products from the wizzle!!
Just keeps getting better!
on 08/05/2011
That's great, Mandee! Congrats!
on 08/05/2011
Thanks Bev and Sheila
I really feel like the Wizzley team deserves the credit for having a venue where we can post and write quality articles and get quality traffic and sales.
Like my Mamaw always said: "Cream rises to the top."
on 08/06/2011
That's great, Mandee. It's so easy to do pages, and I notice that there are quite a few visits within a day or so, but haven't checked google statistics, etc., that's great to know.
Claudia L. Meydrech a/k/a happynutritionist
on 08/07/2011
Congratulations, Mandee! I have a feeling this is going to be a super Holiday season at Wizzley, too - and Halloween is just around the corner! :)
Life is what happens while you are making other plans.
on 08/13/2011
I don't earn a lot from Google Adsense (yet) but today earned my first bit of money from Wizzley. Yay!!!
Peggy Hazelwood is an online writer and blogger.
on 08/13/2011
on 08/13/2011
That's more than I can say, Peggy. Congratulations!
I do have 92 articles on our German sister site, pagewizz.com, and there my Google AdSense rocks! Since we share the same optimization structure and quality consciousness, I have great hopes for WIzzley in terms of future AdSense income.
It's all a matter of time and volume. (And content quality, and keywords, and, and, and...lol)
But from what I can see so far...it sure makes sense to put a bunch of "eggs" in our Wizzley "nest".
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/15/2011
Good to hear, Mandee. I am starting to see Wizzley hits on my Adsense every few days, and they are getting bigger.
on 08/15/2011
Me too! Wizzley is my #3 Channel in earning Adsense. Good News!