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I'm so excited...

Posts: 847
on 06/22/2012

I made $1.78 off of Amazon. It's so funny how those paltry amounts can lift our spirits and make us feel like we won the lottery.

Brenda Reeves
on 06/22/2012

Congrats! It is like winning the lottery because you know what you are doing is enjoy celebrating!

Just last week I was jumping for joy for the same reason. After a year of procrastinating, I finally decided to give clickbank a try. I had bias about the site and so many of the ebooks out there, but I felt in my niche I might find some quality/useful items. So I devoted a day to the site, found what I was looking for, posted it and a few days later there was $15 sitting in my account! Plus I had befriended another rver who had great ebooks available on her own, posted those at the same time and made $8.50 the same week.

When what we are doing actually works, that little bit of money feels like a million.

Congrats again, Brenda!

In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
Posts: 847
on 06/22/2012

Thank you frugal, I'll have to check out Clickbank. I had been procrastinating on writing for Wizzley, but now I'm back into it.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 477
on 06/22/2012

First of all congrats!!  I'm over joyed myself made 7 sales this month on Amazon after 2 months of drought got just around $5 though. My first sale was 3 months ago fetched me $10.05 I know the feeling and am glad you finally made a sale.

Btw was it through your wizzes?

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 232
on 06/22/2012

Well done Brenda, that's brilliant :) Just think that this is typically the worst time of year for sales too.

Posts: 979
on 06/22/2012

Brenda, This is amazing, kinworm made a important point, it is the low point in the sales year, so you are spot on and poised for success, just keep wizzing those quality wizzes Smile

Katie McMurray
Posts: 6
on 06/22/2012

Having these sales will always increase your motivation, big time! People around me never get it when I start dancing when I have 1$ in my Google Adsense account, but hey, I know what I am doing works, now it is just a matter of scaling ;)

Posts: 10
on 06/22/2012

Congratulations, that is so good news Brenda. When people actually buy, they trust your helpful opinions and recommendations. The money is just a smile for your face, happiness is the feeling to have been believed!

Congratulations once again, and good luck!

Posts: 825
on 06/22/2012

YIPPEE! That gives me hope!!!!!

Lana or LIl aka Ragtimelil RagtimeLil's Store on Weebly
Posts: 847
on 06/22/2012

Thanks everyone. That's my second sale on Amazon, and I made 42 cents off of Chitika last month. That 42 cents gave me a big charge too.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 119
on 06/22/2012

Congratulations Brenda!  So happy for you...  Keep writing and you will see more.....

Posts: 1210
on 06/22/2012

I have made exactly .12 so far and that was an adsense click, but when that first amazon or otherwise sale comes in it's going to make my day- it's the drought that makes the rain feel so amazing :)

Posts: 439
on 06/23/2012

I'm really excited for you as well. I know the feeling. On squidoo I have managed to make a few amazon sales - not through my own affiliate link, through the squidoo amazon module.

I've been following my amazon affiliate data since joining wizzley because everything there will be through wizzley. I have seen my number of clicks per quarter grow.  No purchases here yet, but given the growing number of nibbles there will have to be a bite sooner or later.

It does seem that both time and number of articles influence this. I don't yet have enough articles to start understanding what works and what does not, but that will come with time, I suppose.

Posts: 274
on 06/23/2012

Yeah, Brenda!

As everyone else has already pointed out, you're going in the right direction.

I wonder how many writers here really do make enough per month to pay their internet bill if not more. 

I am always amazed when people report 3-4 digit earnings per month. It's great to hear, and it gives the rest of us hope.


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