on 03/01/2013
I've been working really, really hard on my Zazzle store lately. I've been checking in from time to time and even have an article started, but realized I needed more research.
I just went to comment on Jo's latest and nothing came out!!!! I mean NOTHING! The fingers just sat there.
Does this mean I've lost it?
Just wanted to say hi and that I haven't gone away for good - I hope.....
Posts: 379
on 03/01/2013
Every one has moments like this, Lana. Whatever you wanted to say will probably occur to you about 4 am when you're half awake and half asleep. It's just one of those days, that's all. :)
on 03/01/2013
Some things are okay to lose Lana... maybe your mind is making room for better things.... 
Glad you have not gone away, and working at Zazzle takes a lot of time. I know how that is, but it's worth it.
With no sunshine here for days, my mind is foggy and all I feel like doing is playing Quell on my Kindle, or having a nap.
on 03/01/2013
Ha, yes. Sometimes my best thoughts (or what I thought were my best thoughts) come in the wee hours.
Posts: 379
on 03/01/2013
I'll never forget the best piece of advice that I've been given re writing and ideas. Keep a notebook by the side of your bed and when you have those eureka moments, write them down before you forget them! Sometimes even dreams! I once had a dream about a Polynesian omelette (I know!) I didn't even know what one was. So I researched it, made it and then wrote about it. Before I was slapped by Google on HP, that hub was gathering between 60 and 100 organic hits a day. It me me around $150. Deleted now, but still, just goes to show.
on 03/01/2013
Dustytoes: 03/01/2013 - 04:11 PM
Some things are okay to lose Lana... maybe your mind is making room for better things.... 
That's a really nice thought.
I think I didn't think Zazzle should take that much time. "How hard can it be?" right? And right now, I just finally replaced my dead printer/scanner so I'm going through boxes of photos and scanning all sorts of things. Some work for Zazzle, some get posted on FB, some for future projects. But I can't keep up with myself! And I want to get back to researching that article too. I was just bleary-eyed this afternoon. There's just not enough hours or energy in the day.
on 03/02/2013
No, you have not lost it. This occasionally happens to writers. I suggest that you are a bit mentally tired and in need of mental refreshment.
Is there any pressure in your life at the moment. Let me share my experience. Years ago, when I was still full time teaching and writing part time I got a temporary promotion to head of year 7 [11-12 year olds.] I was told that I did a great job dealing with pastoral and disciplinary issues, but that year my writing dried up. I knew that my heart was in writing, so when the sick colleague for whom I was standing in returned, I was not saddened
on 03/02/2013
I also like Dustytoes' comment about your mind clearing up for better things. I'll try to remember that the next time my fingers stop prancing merrily across the keyboard.
Zazzle product-making takes forever!! I like to save working on zazzle for when I'm watching the news. That way I still feel like I'm keeping current with what's going on the world without having to focus on it so much that it depresses me too much. And at the same time I can put out another few fun products. I love zazzle. Makes me almost feel like a real photographer-designer.
on 03/02/2013
OK second try to hit "submit" instead of X.
Hollie - That's fantastic. I really don't get many ideas at night. I just try to get a good night's sleep.
Frank and Sheri - yes, I probably am mentally tired. I'm trying to get my Zazzle store to the point where it is selling products and read that a store needs a lot of products to sell. I had a real spike last week in visitors. It was exciting but didn't translate into any sales. Still, it helps to have people looking.
on 03/02/2013
I think you are right. By the time I finish with Zazzle at night, I'm just too wiped out to do anything else.