on 11/29/2013
I don't know if anyone noticed, but I've been gone for a long long time. I was in Africa again, then my oldest daughter had a kid and I've been full-time gramma to help her while she was preparing for her PhD qualifying project (she passed brilliantly). And I started writing my professional book.
I am mostly concentrating on that book and on adding zazzle products to my store for fun. I have been earning my living translating and editing academic papers for publication for Israeli researchers.
But I really wanted to get a wizzle out about how I am recovering from knee osteoarthritis with nonsurgical means and today I finally got around to it.
So - hi again guys!
on 11/29/2013
Hi Sheri,
good to hear from you! 
Looks like your life is full to the brim. That's good.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 11/29/2013
Hi Sheri,
Good to hear from you, with all the great news. Glad you figured out the knee thing!
on 11/29/2013
Welcome back, Sheri. It's good to see you around here again, and I have missed you.
I love how ordinary people disappear because, say, life got in the way. You come back having lived life to the utmost. I still want to be you when I grow up.
on 11/30/2013
I definitely have noticed that you were gone.
I figured it was just "life" pulling you away...Good to see you again.. 
(I just read your knee article and it's wonderful! - Good for you!!)
on 11/30/2013
I just read and commented on your knee article too.
Wow, that's how to come back with a bang, Sheri! I've already dialed up the official site and will be taking a further look over the coming months to learn more.
As I am now officially 'between jobs' I shall probably also be spending more time writing here than I have previously been able to, as well as getting on with ticking the boxes on my 'if I had time to write' bucket list around a blizzard of job applications and jobsite registration updates.
And Jo, I want to be you when I grow up!
You have been warned.
Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
on 11/30/2013
Thanks for your warm welcome back guys.
And it was such a thrill to get the editor's choice on my new article. So cheering to think that maybe it will help you, WordChazer. I expect a full report.
And, BTW, I don't understand all this talk about wanting to be someone when you grow up - personally, I don't ever anticipate growing up.
on 12/01/2013
A good article for people suffering from osteoarthritis. I was wondering whether it will help pain from other factors such as injury etc..?
on 12/04/2013
WriterArtist: Thanks for this question - I have aThursday appointment and will ask my physiotherapist. So stay tuned.