on 04/10/2013
Hi all,
This has probably been the worst kept secret of the past few months, but my Wizzley article output slowed down because I was writing an eBook. It is a comprehensive guide to writing on Wizzley (and I'm fully aware that saying so has cursed it. The first person in will find something that I missed now.). I included all that I could think of to include, and I really do hope that it will be useful.
ChefKeem wrote a lovely preface for it; he, Anne and Sam all checked it for accuracy. Now HollieT has reviewed it. I feel quite humbled by all responses.
I'm now looking to create a hard copy version too via Createspace.
If any of you do get it, then thank you very much (by which I mean 'ZOMG! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!' *bounces of the walls with excitement and gratitude*) and I hope that you like it.
Posts: 379
on 04/10/2013
I liked it. Didn't actually expect to learn many new things from it as I've produced a good few pages, but I bloody well did!
on 04/10/2013
If I grin much more right now, my face might fall off. :)
on 04/10/2013
Okay Jo, I bought it. This had better be good! lol!
I know it will.
Brenda Reeves
on 04/10/2013
Oh wow! Thank you very much! I think that's the first sale! ooooooh! I'm so excited now! Thank you!
:D :D :D :D :D
on 04/10/2013
I'm going to wait until I get my new ereader which should get her tomorrow, hopefully. If it goes to my cloud reader, I'm not sure I can get if off of there. I looked at the preview though and can't wait to read it. May be the first ebook I've paid more than 99 cents for! Ha.
on 04/10/2013
Thank you very much, Lana. If there are problems, do shout up. I'm a geek as well as an author, so I'm sure I could fix it.
I'm so thrilled by all this right now. <3
on 04/11/2013
You are amazing, Jo. Congratulations. Best wishes for success with your book.
Posts: 162
on 04/11/2013
Jo - I just bought your book - this is really great - just what I need!!
Thanks for all your hard work!
Kathleen x
on 04/11/2013
Sheri - Aww! Thank you.
Kathleen - Oh wow! Thank you very much! I hope that it's useful to you.
on 04/11/2013
You go girl, Thanks this will better the community as a whole. I'm a firm believer new writers have more to learn than we can imagine, as we've forgotten the many steps it takes.
Katie McMurray
on 04/11/2013
I'm holding out for a signed copy Jo... 
It's just amazing how much you have accomplished in such a short time. I look forward to reading your book - signed or not!
on 04/11/2013
Katie - Thank you very much. It's certainly been a large learning curve this past year. Hopefully my journey here will help others too.
Pam - LOL! I'd better get that hard copy in print then. *blush* Thank you very much. :D
on 04/12/2013
Thanks, this will be a great help to all of the newcomers.
on 04/13/2013
ologsinquito: 04/12/2013 - 03:49 PM
Thanks, this will be a great help to all of the newcomers.
It would be a good idea for this to work to put it directly before their eyes, perhaps with a link on the sign-up page? SY
on 04/15/2013
Ologsinquito - I do hope so!
Sam - Naturally I'm all over that idea, given that it's my book we're talking about! Though perhaps this could be opened out further.
How about if Wizzley had a page called 'Wizzley Bookshelf' or something like that. It could have some introductory blarb about if you like Wizzley authors, then you may be interested to know that some have also written books. Followed by a list (in order of publication) of them all.
The Wizzley team would get the referral commission. The authors would get another bit of promotion.
on 04/15/2013
Good morning all! 
We're looking into it and should have a decision by Thursday (Team Conference).
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 04/29/2013
Jo, If I mail my hard copy to you will you sign and send it back? It should arrive soon- I read it and want to congratulate you on a well thought out and useful book (but i do want a signed copy as you are sure to be a famous writer some day!).
Chef I liked the introduction (forward) so much I'm going to include it in the video :)... Jo just wrapped recording the forward and optimizing it, thinking this should be the center piece of the whole thing... working on a few other angles...
on 04/29/2013
Of course I will. :D (This is so surreal!)
I'm very grateful for your talent and time on this. Thank you. <3
on 04/29/2013
Whatever you do, Jerrico - make sure you check your spelling: It's "Foreword" - not forward. 
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.