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Just for Laughs

Posts: 847
on 02/24/2012

Those of you who suffer from ADD will appreciate this. Today I decide to take a break from writing and go into the kitchen to make a marinade for the pork chops I'm cooking for dinner. I'm in the kitchen working away and glance out the window to see that my car windows are rolled down. Rain is predicted, so I get my keys and go outside to roll up the windows. When I come back into the house, I go back to writing. The next thing I know, my mother is yelling something. I get up to go see what the problems is. My golden retriever, Jessie is enjoying a couple of pork chops in the kitchen.


Brenda Reeves
Posts: 769
on 02/24/2012

You don't need to have ADD to do something like this.  Very funny.

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 77
on 02/24/2012

Oh I can so relate. I'm famous for putting vegetables on the stove to cook in water. Setting a timer even. Then sitting down at the kitchen table, about 10 feet away, with my computer. An hour later I can smell the potatoes burning. I forget about them. I'll even get up shut off the timer and go back to writing. (I'm glad Jessie got a gourmet meal.)

Posts: 847
on 02/25/2012

The reason I blame it on ADD is when I came back into the house, I forgot that I was preparing the pork chops in the kitchen, not working on the computer. Yes, she enjoyed the chops and she didn't share one with Jasper, my Jack Russell and her best friend. I felt so sorry for Jasper because he didn't get one.

Brenda Reeves
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