on 09/11/2014
I want to add a persons photo on a page about their astrology services. Does anyone know how I can do this? They do not have his photo on free photo sites but I do have one that I took myself.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks - I'm new transferring an article from Squidoo.
on 09/11/2014
If you own the copyright to the picture then simply import it from your hard drive using the image icon in the text module, just as you would with any other image.
on 09/12/2014
Is it a famous person? You could look for a poster of them on AllPosters, or else add in a module with a book, DVD, whatever from Amazon. That's how I usually get round it.
on 09/15/2014
It just says undefined when I try to add the photo? Where and how do I upload my own photo which I took?
on 09/15/2014
I don't see an image icon? Only an image module? where do I find that/
on 09/15/2014
I want the photo in THE INTRO MODULE how do I add it? It gives me an undefined error?
on 09/15/2014
You mean the thumbnail? Just refresh the page after 'undefined' and it should be there. If not, report back and we'll work it out.
Or do you mean in the introduction text area? You can't insert an image there.
on 09/15/2014
No it is not a famous person, just a local astrologer. I did get the thumbnail in there, but now I want to put a link to a zazzle product either on the photo or in the text (text won't take the html without displaying it?
on 09/15/2014
Not in the introduction part (first section before you go into the article part proper). Once you're writing your Wizzle, you can put the Zazzle product into a module.
on 09/16/2014
I like having a photo for each module not just text and I own these images why can't I use my OWN photos in text modules? I now have all kinds of my own photos which are free to me, but you want me to spend money to get photos from shutterstock???? WHY
on 09/16/2014
I'm sorry, I think we're talking at cross purposes here.
No-one is asking you to buy pics from Shutterstock. They make up the first row of pics in Pixabay, but *whispers so Simon doesn't hear* we all ignore those and go for the freebies in all of the rows beneath. You can most certainly use your own personal photographs.
So where are you trying to insert these pics? When you start writing a Wizzley article, you get a first page wherein you add the title and an introduction part, plus a summary. None of those take pics of any kind.
Then you go through to the second page. That's where you're adding modules. You should have no trouble putting your pics in there.