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Chatter away, friends!

Ten Minutes from Now

Posts: 439
on 10/25/2012

I leave the house to go to the train that will take me to the airport - on my way back to South Sudan. Just before I turn off the computer I wanted to say bye bye for now.

I arrive tomorrow afternoon in Juba. Will stay there for the weekend before heading off for a very primitive town 2 hours drive north of there. In that town (Terekeka for those who want to look it up) there is no wifi. First time I will be out of range in a long long time.

So, here I go.  See you again on the other side, friends.

Posts: 979
on 10/25/2012

Have a safe and wondrous trip!

My most positive thoughts are with you Smile

Katie McMurray
Posts: 1087
on 10/25/2012

I know you can't see this now - but hope your trip is uneventful and perfect!

Posts: 825
on 10/25/2012

It sounds like an adventure. Hoping for a safe and happy trip. See you later.

Lana or LIl aka Ragtimelil RagtimeLil's Store on Weebly
Posts: 1816
on 10/25/2012

I missed you by a couple of hours, but I hope you have a wonderful time there.  Then come back and tell us all about it!

Posts: 379
on 10/25/2012

I'm envious,   Smilehave a wonderful trip Sheri.

Posts: 274
on 10/25/2012

Bon voyage, Sheri! I look forward to hearing your stories on your return.

Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 439
on 10/26/2012

Well, we made it as far as Addis Ababa. They have a new rule that you no longer get your visa to South Sudan when you land in Juba - you must arrive with the visa already in your passport. We took a taxi to the S Sudan embassy to get our visa and get back on the plane but today everything is closed here because of a Moslem holiday, Eid al Fitre.

We are hoping that our colleague who is already in S Sudan will be able to arrange for us a special entry pass and then be able to  notify Ethiopian Airlines here in Addis that we have permission to enter the country so that they will let us on the plane. But it is the holiday. So perhaps no luck util Monday, the day we are supposed to start teaching.

This is Africa! I love this place and you grow to expect the unexpected.

Posts: 979
on 10/26/2012

Enjoy the distractions, you have a great attitude besides you never know where those little unexpected turns might lead you :)

Katie McMurray
Posts: 439
on 10/27/2012

We made it to Juba. We will rest the rest of the weekend (tomorrow) and on Monday morning we go to Terekeka. There is no wifi there and that will feel weird. It is supposed to be an amazing town.

Take care everyone. See you online at the end of next week.

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