on 08/06/2011
So at this point you know that I love Wizzley, Google+, Blogging... and more...
Do you know what we don't have yet on Wizzley?
Even though we don't relay as much on post-updates as other platforms do, from time to time people will update "old" posts and there is no way people know about it.
I give you an example; I try to transform my static Wizzography in a dynamic working tool. To do so today:
- I update with the last technical post
- I add a poll with the most useful technical post and I really want to have people vote for them
This will be a guide for be about the people interest, which I intend to use in future, but within Wizzley I don't have a mechanism to tell people except to right this post in Forum.
Outside if Wizzley I:
- Ping again the post
- Share in FB
- Share in Google+
What you think, it will be useful to have a mechanism in Wizzley which will tell us about the important additions on old articles.
Regards and have a great weekend
on 08/06/2011
And at this point, you know that we ALL love YOU, Michey.
Are you talking about something like a "Wizzcast" to your fans?
Personally, for time reasons, I've stopped paying attention to my Squidcasts a long time ago. So I can't really testify in regard to their usefulness.
What does everyone else think about this?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/06/2011
You have a good point here, Michey. One way I can think of is having the ability to post updates manually to your activity stream, which would also show up in the streams of your fans. Pretty much like the facebook wall.
I'm not sure how easy or hard this would be to implement. The system engineering wizzards will have to make the call on this one. While such a feature would surely be good to have we must weigh the potential benefits with the added strain (and thus, load time, speed, etc.) on the servers.
This feature would be mainly targeted at internal visitors from Wizzley. They are nice to have, of course, but they won't help much with our ultimate target group - the search traffic. They are the ones who create the revenue.
At this point I think we should focus our efforts on external traffic, revenue streams, conversions and positive user experience.
SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
on 08/06/2011
It's totally not my call of course, but I think nightowl and chefkeem have the right idea: implementing a squidcast type system is just more work / resources than it's worth.
I would love a tab (instead of mails) featuring the latest wizzles made by the people I'm a fan of though.
on 08/06/2011
chefkeem: 06. Aug 2011, 12:38
And at this point, you know that we ALL love YOU, Michey.
Are you talking about something like a "Wizzcast" to your fans?
Personally, for time reasons, I've stopped paying attention to my Squidcasts a long time ago. So I can't really testify in regard to their usefulness.
What does everyone else think about this?
Not really something so elaborated as Squidcasts, I am thinking of something really simple:
1) first not any typo correction or other minor change must be taking in consideration
2) this being said, we need a button for Wizzmaster to request that change to appear
3) the place to appear... can be something as "new to the forum", we can call it "New important updates" and we list here last 5-7 updates at the request of wizzmaster
Something like this...
Make sense what I am saying?
Thanks to all of you for responding
Anyway I don't think about something complicated, and convoluted which will impact loading speed... NO, NO...
Regards, and thanks for the kind presentation of me Chef...
Posts: 578
on 08/07/2011
Hmm, sending personal messages to the own activity feed (Wizzivity) could be nice and useful. We put it on our steadily growing todo list 
For a list of favorite authors, we possibly could create an RSS feed ... I'm not sure about that, yet. Anyways, it would be quite useful!
on 08/07/2011
Simon: 07. Aug 2011, 05:31
Hmm, sending personal messages to the own activity feed (Wizzivity) could be nice and useful. We put it on our steadily growing todo list 
For a list of favorite authors, we possibly could create an RSS feed ... I'm not sure about that, yet. Anyways, it would be quite useful!
Yes Simon, any simple solution is OK to have because... when you help wizzmasters to make them more effective, you help the entire system.
So far I am impressed with the simplicity, time loading, and functionality of this platform...
Take your time to think through, and I repeat, I like to have a simple solution which is not increasing the download time because now this is a "parameter"... you know where... LOL.
Thanks for your positive approch to my request.
Have a great weekend Michey
on 08/08/2011
Hmm, I like Michey's idea: just a simple "publish update to Wizzivity stream" button. I'd probably use that!
Carma aka tandemonimom
Posts: 578
on 08/08/2011
Okay, we do have a new feed, showing the latest 15 pages of favorite authors:
You'll find a new link on the top right side of the list :) Does that the trick for you, spirituality?
For the page modification-messages, we're not sure what's best, yet: On the Wizzivity list, lots of fans and users wouldn't really notice such a message. As an extra e-mail, however, it can be too much information for some authors and it also can easily be abused by spammers - we also had this point/idea on our brother site Pagewizz.com. We'll talk about it :)