Hi Everyone!
Still have a pulse, alive and well....truly enjoying our private rv spot this summer in NW Montana. Just checking it to say we are alive and doing well.
My daughter is here for two weeks and yesterday I was driving her to Eureka, MT, to go camping with old friends. On our way, we encountered two fuzzy little black bear cubs (no mama around). We parked on this private, forested road and just watched them.
An 18 year old girl sitting still and not bored? YES!
Seeing the beauty of nature in action (sheilamarie, I know you know what I'm talking about) gives perspective to young or old. In that little chunk of time, while they looked at us and climbed trees, etc....the world just got quiet for a little while and everything was in balance. You aren't worried about anything, sad, anxious....you're truly in the moment.
I pass this little moment on not to say "nah-nah-nah" but to ENCOURAGE all of those who are worried, frustrated, facing grief or health issues and so much more to just get out there in nature and LISTEN. It doesn't have to be bear cubs in the wild....but there is a message when you get away from the noise, and a peace inside you can't resist. These pure, natural experiences...in my humble little opinion, are what living is truly all about.
Going off the grid this week to my dad's, with my daughter, so zero internet....but just popping in to say I'm thinking of you all and hope you're doing ok.
xoxo Robin and Jim