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Wizzley Wizer Won Oh! Won

Posts: 626
on 04/01/2012

I hit 100 yesterday and I published 101 today.

It is a Wizer (Wizz, Wizzie) collaboration 101 with Jerrico.

Following on from JoH and Mladen, Chefkeem and Lakeerieartists, we have collaborated to expunge Jerrico's lack of closure from being banned by HP. This collaboration lark is a powerful medium. You should all try it.

It is a win win (or is that a won won?) on many levels.

On that point, this is an open offer from me (and from Jerrico, I believe) stating that I am willing and able to collaborate with any of you guys to create Wizzley Wizer Won Oh! Wons for any reason you can think of.

Perhaps we could create extra traction for all our articles by promoting each others offline from Wizzley. My Twitterfeed article was an intro to this idea. If anybody would like me to promote their Wizzley article feed I can add it to one of my many Twitter accounts.

After completing 100 Wizers I am now going to promote them, so adding yours to my list will not be a great burden to me.

Posts: 120
on 04/01/2012

Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment for only 2 months. I can see the bar has been raised and I have been left in the dust. (10 months = 20 Wizzles) You are an inspiration! 

Lovin' Wizzley! Come see my newest Wizz at Patio Decorating Ideas | Color Schemes.
Posts: 979
on 04/01/2012

Congrats headed over to read the much anticipated collaboration now :)

Katie McMurray
Posts: 1210
on 04/01/2012

Still no word from Maddie, but I'll let you know what happens :) (and I'm always open to collaboration projects- networking is not only great fun, it's a power source. There will be a new feature coming soon that will make collaborations easier... but I'll wait for them to announce it, just in case they change their mind... but at any rate- I'm off to get my first 100 articles on the site- I'm going to gracefully bow out of the long analytical and facinating topics to go with the money makers- product wizzles :) (I think I'm going to settle with calling them wizzles- or wizles)...

I haven't seen any activity whatsoever in the google or any other monetization sense, which is ok, I have only a whopping 5 published, but I'm wondering if everything is set up correctly- until you see something happen on each one to prove it's "on" it's hard to tell...


Good luck everyone! Thanks for all your support on my first 5, let me know if you have any ideas for collaboration, and thanks Humagaia for making the last few days a blast :)



Posts: 769
on 04/01/2012

The first 5 take a little longer as they have to be approved before publishing.  But most of the Wizzley articles seem to get indexed pretty darn fast.

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 1210
on 04/01/2012

that's true, (mine all went live the same day though) as my bless you hub was on page two of google (still there) the next day that impressed me and gave me hope... (hey I may not have 100 wizzles but this makes my 100th forum post in 13 days! go me! haha



Posts: 1816
on 04/02/2012

Well done both!  It's great to see an era of collaboration being ushered in here. You've done so much to inspire community feeling too. :)

I'd be thrilled and very grateful, if you'd add my article feed to your Twitter account. I'll naturally do the same for you in response. Thanks!

Posts: 47
on 04/02/2012

I don't know how you do it.  I am exhausted just trying to keep up!Laughing

Posts: 626
on 04/02/2012

@Jo done. I have added it to my @lateralwriter account with a #Wizer so you should find the feed entries on my 'The Wizer Way' newspaper ( occasionally.

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