I don't have one. my ads weren't showing up on my portion of views. Someone said earlier that I had to add wizzley as a site and that's what I was trying to do
Help me, please!
Adsense Question | |
Posts: 374
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on 04/17/2013
Posts: 3100
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on 04/17/2013
Can you post a screenshot of "your portion of views"? Or explain what you are looking at? I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 379
on 04/17/2013
Is your Adsense account now approved, Abby. If so, you have to add your publisher number here, under settings. |
Posts: 374
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on 04/17/2013
Whenevery five refreshes there were no google ads on my pages. I have switched to chitika over the weekend nut I can switch back to google so you can see |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/17/2013
Oh, that's right, Abby! I forgot the initial problem over all the different theories in this thread. So, back to the beginning: why does Google not recognize your pub-ID in Wizzley? I still don't have a clue. But I'll bring it up again in our team conference tomorrow. Maybe Simon can think of something. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 374
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on 04/17/2013
Someone in this thread, I can't remember exactly who, said that I had to go here: Sites authorized to show ads. Only host sites are allowed to show ads for your account
edit.Hubpages and my blog was there, by Wizzley isn't, so I had to add wizzley as a host site.
When I put in wizzley.com to add it, I get the error.
I know I'm probably clear as mud lol |
Posts: 374
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on 04/17/2013
this is the screen I was told to go to to add wizzley. http://i.imgur.com/7Pkdqr5.jpg I'm sorry, I'm trying to load the error message I get, but it is the same one I've copied and pasted before. |
Posts: 374
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on 04/17/2013
Posts: 3100
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on 04/18/2013
Abby - when did you start your Adsense account for Hubpages? About 2 or 3 months ago?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 374
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on 04/18/2013
I was approved the first of December |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/18/2013
OK, we were following a certain train of thought, but, in the end, it didn't lead us anywhere. We think that the only way to help you would require insight into your account. If you'd like to share your login info with Anne (nightowl), she'd be glad to take a look. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 374
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on 04/18/2013
Ok, I'll message her. Thank you! |
![]() |
on 04/18/2013
Ok, I was able to see that this account is classified as "Hosted account", meaning you can only use it to show ads on Adsense host partner sites such as YouTube, blogger.com and hubpages. There are certain requirements with regards to the amount of traffic a site needs to receive on a daily basis before they will be considered for an Adsense host partnership, and at this time Wizzley would not qualify. According to the "Site management" tab, you are supposed to be able to add sites that you own but that are not classified as Adsense host partners. However, this functionality seems to have been discontinued by Google several months ago. It's a bit misleading by them to show an error message that appears to be a technical glitch, but people have reported seeing this since the end of last year and so I wouldn't wait for this to change anytime soon. At this point, I believe your only option is to apply for a regular Adsense account with a domain and site that you fully own. The easiest way would be to register a domain and get a self-hosted blog, but this is associated with some cost. Once you are approved for one of your own sites you can then use that account to display ads on other sites that you use, such as Wizzley. If you're not quite ready or willing to go this route then there's always the Chitika option. SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
Posts: 374
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on 04/18/2013
Thank you for helping me. I already switched to Chitika so I could get something while this was going on. I'm not sure how I'll go about getting adsense down the road, but hopefully I'll figure something out. |
Posts: 374
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on 04/19/2013
I just want to tell everyone how much I appreciate all the help you gave me. Thanks to ChefKeem for being on top of things and pointing out I had a problem. Thanks to Sam, Ologsinquito, Paul, and others I can't remember for your willingness to help a fellow wizzler. Thank you to nightowl for finally giving me an answer! I love it here at Wizzley! |
Posts: 688
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on 04/19/2013
And we love you being here and writing great articles! SY |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/19/2013
You're welcome, Abby. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 418
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on 04/20/2013
You're welcome Abby. |
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Posts: 30
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on 05/14/2013
I have exactly the same problem. I really don't get any of this techie stuff. Gifts for animal and nature lovers!
Posts: 688
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on 05/14/2013
TerryMcNamee: 05/14/2013 - 03:04 PM Can you be a bit more specific? What is your exact problem? This thread is quite long, so it is difficult to know what you are referring to, SY |