I would love to see a "blocking" feature implemented here. In short I don't want to see what a certain member publishes on Wizzley nor do I want to see her recent forum posts. Otherwise I still run into the danger of answering to her and be tricked by her again into answering and then get my answers deleted by her. I really would appreciate if we / I could block troublesome, for us, members / authors, completely. Ghost them as it called on Reddit. Thanks for considering! SY
Help me, please!
Blocking somebody | |
Posts: 688
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on 02/04/2013
Posts: 699
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on 02/04/2013
I would like this feature as well. |
Posts: 688
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on 02/04/2013
Digby_Adams: 02/04/2013 - 03:49 PM Glad that I am not alone with this! SY |
Posts: 1210
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on 02/04/2013
oh me too, me too... I think that would be best for both parties as if there isn't a meeting of the minds or something happens between two people, there would be an easy fix to not being exposed to their work etc... it's too easy to think eh the topic is interesting *that they wrote about and shows up on the front page* and you get sucked in only to find yourself making an arse of yourself *grin* oh boy did I do that once and really regret it all around. It would just be a mirror image of a fan, just the opposite polarity... some people just seeing their avatar makes me run downstairs to punch my new punching bag :) and it's kept me from even logging in for several days so it definitely affects you... The programmers always tell me, if enough people comment and request a feature they will implement it if it's feasible and valid- so if you agree with this please chime in politely- no specifics just say yea Simon please implement this. |
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on 02/04/2013
Jerrico_Usher: 02/04/2013 - 05:11 PM
Simon, did you read that? ;-) Seems there is a need for this in our opinion - Just doing what Jerrico tells me should be done ;-) SY |
Posts: 847
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on 02/04/2013
Okay, I can take a hint! Brenda Reeves
Posts: 688
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on 02/04/2013
BrendaReeves: 02/04/2013 - 05:39 PM Wrong hint, Brenda! I am not planning to block you in any way ;-) SY |
Posts: 256
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on 02/04/2013
It might be a feature worth implementing, but let's not turn this into an indirect hate thread, objective reasoning is the best reasoning! :) |
Posts: 688
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on 02/04/2013
Paul: 02/04/2013 - 06:05 PM Absolutely! But seriously I think that could develop also in a quality control tool for Wizzley and, by extension, for Google. Members that are not trusted by this community, by majority "block vote" could have their articles being set back to " noindex". A narrow line to walk, I agree, but perhaps also a step forward into quality control --- SY |
Posts: 847
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on 02/04/2013
I know Sam. Just thought I'd throw in a little humor. Brenda Reeves
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on 02/04/2013
BrendaReeves: 02/04/2013 - 06:15 PM Humor is always appreciated and often much needed! SY |
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on 02/04/2013
Right. The first misunderstanding has already happened. I so don't get this. If you don't like someone in our community, simply ignore them. The value of a well-run community like ours is that we grow in our capacity of dealing with one another - the good and the bad, the pleasant and the weird, the kind and the obnoxious. And - if we're truly fortunate - we'll even pick up a thing or two about our own shortcomings. And please - since I know this is mainly about one particular member of our group - no personal campaigns against others in our forum. I'm really, really sensitive about that. Let's not play with the fire. You all know exactly where we'll end up if this gets out of hand. None of us has time for that. Thanks for your understanding, friends. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 256
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on 02/04/2013
Sam: 02/04/2013 - 06:12 PM Why should the community's feelings reflect the quality of the articles? If an author's hated by everyone, it doesn't mean their articles aren't of good quality! Plus, it's like anything on the internet, you've got the ability to simply not respond and just avoid all contact. |
Posts: 379
on 02/04/2013
I agree with Paul. If I'm not fond of someone (and I don't mean anybody who writes for Wizzley) I avoid and ignore them. Writing online for a living can be stressful enough, we should just avoid situations and people which stress us out further. |
Posts: 699
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on 02/04/2013
Some people make it very hard to be ignored. But I'll just try harder to avoid them. |
Posts: 256
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on 02/04/2013
I've always been a great believer in communication. Most issues can be sorted out with a private chat, as so many of born of misunderstandings. In another life, I'm an admin on a large gaming forum. There you have a lot of people stressing out about exams etc, and the other worries for mostly teenagers. I've seen things really get out of control, because things are half-said on blogs and forum threads. The reality is that many people reading either think there's a big row going on in the background, which they aren't privy to, so they feel excluded and upset; or they get really paranoid, thinking that the public comment was about them. The upshot is a lot of people - some even casual forum members - feeling on edge and a big culture of distress. Anything can spark drama and an argument in those circumstances. Other members get pulled in from all over and eventually loads of people leave. The whole thing inevitably peaks and dies down, but it's then left a precedent. The seeds for the next eruption are there. I'm extremely new to online income, but I do know and understand that the pressures are even greater here. People's livelihoods are on the line, and the real life issues aren't about getting good grades, but paying the rent and putting food on the table. Things will invariably get a bit stressed then; and the potential fall-out is even greater. Even those sitting on the sidelines will be worrying about the image of the whole site, because that also affects their incomes. What I'm saying here is that private communication often does sort things out, and doesn't lay those seeds of site-wide drama. That's what I always tell those on the forum that I mod, and if it works for socially awkward teenagers, then I can't see why it couldn't work here too. |
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on 02/04/2013
Paul: 02/04/2013 - 08:55 PM ... and if it doesn't, choose the high ground, let go, and move on. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 1210
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on 02/04/2013
I'm going to probably shock some people with this post (in a good way I'm hoping), but I've come to realize something about myself here on wizzley, ah the lessons are plenty but the growth is a good yield. I have nothing negative to say whatsoever here. The following applies to me exclusively unless of course you agree :) then it applies to you (whomever) too :) it's in third person because I'm in article mode lol... I agree with you chef on all points and wasn't pointing any fingers in my own post, just reflecting why I believe this would be a good move in general (but have since changed my position), I don't even dislike "the one" you may be talking about, she has a really good head for writing and detail (and an impressive resume), and intriguing posts(perhaps my frustration is that I want to discuss more to tap deeper into the psyche, to debate and learn a new perspective and that's not possible, and in hindsight she has every right to moderate her post as she sees fit, something I learned and grew from after frustration I realized I kind of caused myself by simply not ignoring what I felt was unfair and allowing myself to get caught up- in the end you can always walk away at the first sign of abrasion or disagreement- I didn't so I paid the price with 3 days of anxiety I could have avoided by shutting my own mouth :) Your right, we are a community, a family really with all the good the bad and the ugly (yep I was the ugly once or twice and for that I apologize deeply, I'm ashamed of my actions regardless, but am enlightened by the experience). I do want to say that as a community we should be working harder to not just tolerate those we disagree with but to agree to disagree to put it simply. I know I'm a passionate person and I get overzealous (or as chef put it on overdrive all the time or as someone else said seeming to have ADHD) and don't realize how I affect people outside my own filters of reality. That said, I can imagine a few people who want to block me, (which is fine) for being too "loud"? for want of a better term, at times. Chef, You made me actually rethink this too, just now with your post. What good are we if we're not compassionate, understanding, and above all patient with those we feel rub us the wrong way? Why do we not question why we feel rubbed the wrong way when someone is just exercising their rights? I for one don't always reply to comments left on my articles, but that's my right, I reply to what I feel needs a response but not just comments. So I'm no different in that respect. Isn't community about learning to get along and to grow as a person in a community and as a part of a synergy/community? This is the very dynamic that makes Wizzley more powerful than other sites with virtually no real cohesion in the community. Maybe the reason is because we're (by we're I mean me) just projecting and reflecting our own opinions arrogantly and calling it justice. Who are we to demand that someone follow "social habits (not social law) in a community" when there is no real protocol that says you can't do something that we're given a choice (check box) to do or not do (allow comments or not allow comments or anything else we're allowed to turn on and off in our account or articles). One right we have as a member of this society of wizzlers, is the right to choose how our work is moderated intellectually and socially, and the right to own our own article and how it's used, appreciated, or if you don't want to discuss that's your right. The right to disagree is everyone's right really but the right to badger someone for that choice is not your right in a community. If someone is cooking in their kitchen and invites you in to help they have the right to say no we're not going to have salad with this dinner, even though your used to eating salad with every meal without fail and get anxious because you know they have lettuce and dressing! You're in their kitchen not yours and even if you started to cut the lettuce up before they came back to the kitchen and they demanded you put it away, we don't eat lettuce on wednsdays (lol), even if it sounds ridiculous we have to respect that we're a guest on their article, and yes it's frustrating to invest in commenting only to see it vanish like it never existed, a feeling of disrespect comes over you but it's actually just selfish pride- ego. She didn't mean disrespect she just wanted to decide how her work was reacted to as is all of our rights too on our own account - as Katie's great article (http://wizzley.com/what-makes-some-people-arrog...) puts it or if we feel they're being judgmental of our comment, in the end it's their comment box not ours, their chalk board not ours. We're merely a guest with only the rights the author deems fit. My problem was I got arrogant and disrespectful because my thinking was muddied by ridiculous egocentric reasoning, I lost my cool and boy did I show my worst side. I know personally I have my own reservations and reasoning as to why I get upset about things but that doesn't mean I'm right, or even have the right to go off because I don't agree with something. In fact in this case, at the risk of opposing the popular view on the situation, I'll be the first to admit, I realize that I was being ridiculous frustrated sure, but again it's my choice to say eh, if I comment and disagree or for any reason at all it may not land in the public eye, so what??? This was my second or third comment so whose really at fault after the first time? I knew after the first time how things would play out so why would I get mad at anyone but myself? Also why would I feel betrayed, the author was the one who read it, why does it have to "post" to be valid? That alone is egocentric. What right do I have to tell another wizzler how to handle their article or it's components? If we just translate this to the real world we see how truly ridiculous it is not to just walk away, choose another path, but choose ignorance instead. (watch an episode of jerseylicious for an example of how it looks!) That makes me no better than the person I'm trying to judge and trial by blabbermouthing my opinion. Another thing I realized was that although I was blinded by frustration and lost it, in retrospection she was actually very polite in her correspondence and I was the one who was abrasive- (it took chef pointing it out to me to see it) pushing my views so hard on someone that I pushed my own patience over the edge. I guess I'm trying to say I learned something and your point chef, is very valid and enlightening, reading that it all instantly clicked where before it was hanging in limbo and anxiety to log in or even publish an article- I did it to myself. I just hope those frustrated as I was can see what I'm saying... and that goes for anyone not any one individual or group. About simply ignoring someone, there is a very real reason an ignore button or option exists on many a site, however there is also a reason the site is moderated and nonsense not tolerated too. On the [x] Ignore button concept, sometimes irreconcilable differences happen where you simply forget how to forgive and think outside yourself. Forgiveness is for you not them, for it is you that allowed something to frustrate you, regardless of what others do. (nobody can upset you without your consent- Eleanor Roosevelt) If you can't move on then you should look into your own attitude and ask yourself- why does this upset me so, to the point that even seeing their avatar triggers anxiety- and why can't I just suck it up and move on, forgive and forget, or better, take responsibility for my actions ... No judgement here, and I'm not schooling anyone, I'm sharing my profound (to myself) eye opening experience to clear the air. I don't mind if you don't agree with me I get everyone's point of view and I had the same until this post. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all... just... just.... just get along, we're all here for... for a long time on this planet, can we stop hurting the kids, stop hurting each other, we should just... get along...." I mean that seriously. I enjoy each and every one of you and your views, even those I don't agree at times (rare here really) with, I may have a rough start but I come around, sometimes I gotta get kicked LOL.... I can only speak on myself here. I hope my words are taken correctly by all who read this. To the person I wronged you know who you are, I apologize sincerely, I was wrong about you, I was judgmental and ridiculous, and disrespectful to put it mildly. With that I'll unsubscribe to this thread. I've moved on. We all should too. Here's a great video speach from themovie "The Dictator", speaking is charlie chaplin: The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin... (link) http://youtu.be/pK2WJd5bXFg -Jerrico response to chef keems first post in this thread... |
Posts: 439
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on 02/05/2013
I do not agree with a block button. I also do not agree that anyone's behaviour here reflects on the quality of their writing. I also think that controversy and disagreement fuels interest and I would hope that anyone who gets negative comments, or comments that seem negative to them, rejoice in the interest their article has inspired and find a way to respond to either keep the discussion going or to politely put in the last word. Why rejoice? Because I thought that interaction on your articles has some impact on the way google ranks articles and even if people do not agree with the writer, if they feel strongly enough to comment, the article has merit (at least in the eyes of search engines, no?). It is funny how this online community can be a mirror to some aspects to our "selves" we have not yet recognized or accepted and this private learning can be very valuable. It was me who diagnosed Jerrico with ADHD and I did that with the utmost regard and envy for his energy levels - energy that people once ascribed to me and which i no longer have. That does not mean that I would experience Jerrico or anyone else the same in real life as I experience him or others online. This medium pulls out certain parts of us and not other parts. I like the fact that there are moderators here that give us the freedom to go overboard sometimes knowing that someone else will stop the action when it gets too much. Otherwise, everyone just needs to decide for himself and herself to what to respond and with what to engage. I wish life only had easy choices and all the choices that ended up being "bad for our health" were just blocked by some cosmic block button. As a matter of fact, that's probably in the works somewhere as cyberscientists figure out how to hook us all up to virtual realities direct from our brains. (Sorry for meandering off the path here.) |
Posts: 626
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on 02/05/2013
Please don't block me! Https://chazfox.com/