Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
Hi there - I've been getting notifications of broken links in some of my articles - but when I go and investigate, the links aren't broken. I click on them and they are fine.
This is the latest one.
It seems ok to me. I didn't want to ignore it though in case the links really are broken.
Any suggestions?
on 06/03/2014
Hi Kathleen, did you receive an email about a specific link in that article? The link you gave here opens the article but I don't know what to look for.
Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
Hello Mira - Yes, I did - but I checked them and then clicked that tab that says I have corrected them so the offending links then disappear.
However, it was this link
As noted by Susan Morgan [2], Marianne North was unmoved by the indigenous peoples she encountered on her travels, even approving of slavery. To this extent she carried with her the mindset of the typical British Victorian imperialist.
and this
In an age of British expansion and colonialism,
I even get a note when I tried to put the link in this memo that they were invalid so I have put them in bold them instead.
and there were a couple of others.
Thanks, Kathleen :)
on 06/03/2014
They both open fine. I can't think what the problem may be. I've had warnings like that, too, as I edited articles here. I think Simon explained that sometimes the link validator gives false alarms.
Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
Mira - Thanks for taking the trouble to check those links for me! 
At least now I know they are definitely working ok - but I will always check when I get an email, just in case!
Thanks, Kathleen
on 06/03/2014
You're welcome. I think the problem may be in the way Amazon configures those links (the URL you see when you're on that page). I don't think they all follow the same pattern.
Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
I imagine you are on to something - the gremlin in the machine!
on 06/03/2014
I had this problem a few weeks ago too. Strange.
Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
Hi Abby - Ah well, it's not just me then!
on 06/03/2014
I've had loads of these just recently. I always check them out, but 99% are false positives. Simon said it's driving him crazy, as he hunts through the code to find out what's causing it.
Posts: 162
on 06/03/2014
Hi Jo - Oh blimey! Even the experts are at a loss! Well, at least it wakes me up and reminds me to check my links.... (she said trying to be 'positive').
on 06/16/2014
Well I'm glad to see it's not just me. I have one that I've checked for broken links many times and they all work....

Do what makes you happy- I write and create
on 06/20/2014
I've also been having this problem. I've had it for some time on some existing lenses...on one I link to the homepage of Tumblr and that was giving me an error, so I just removed the link, but I feel like removing the link detracts from the quality of the lens, because it's a relevant link.
I am currently publishing a new lens, and I am trying to link to Ubuntu.com and it's not letting me.
I think there is some sort of systemic problem in the site, because the number of broken links I'm getting reported is rather large, and it's preventing me from editing pages and publishing them the way I want to--and many of the links were reported in pages that were fine and have been fine for a long time and the problem only showed up recently.