on 11/15/2011
Previously when I've copied and pasted in articles (that are my own and are de-indexed from search), the paragraphs often ended up in a different order than the original. I figured it was some type of formatting error and got around it by copying and pasting the paragraphs into a text file then into a wizz.
However I'm now experiencing another copy and paste issue.
I've written half an article and was experimenting with using a divider (made of normal dash and arrow characters) between each item (it's a list of 25.) However when I copy the divider and then attempt to paste it under each item, the divider instead gets pasted at the bottom of the text capsule. And yes, my cursor is definitely pointed at the correct place in the text box where I want the divider to go.
Anyone else experience these problems (please say it's not just me!) or have any idea on why/how to fix them?
on 11/15/2011
I haven't seem that particular problem but I have had some copy paste problems. The save button disappears when I paste something in if I have the wysiwyg editor activated. I use Chrome under Linux so I guess I can expect some weirdness (this started after the new backgrounds became available) and no one else mentioned it.
You can probably work around it by using HTML mode or deactivating the editor to paste.
on 11/15/2011
Yes, yes, yes. It's not just you. I do a lot of copying and pasting. It's obviously my style to write and rearrange. 
Here at Wizzley, I get werid reactions from pasting. If it's a long selection, it often gets pasted out of order. Another, more troubling thing, that consistently happens is that after pasting, my screen will automatically scroll down. I then have to scroll back UP to where I was working. It's so odd. I've been just making do but it has annoyed me multiple times.
on 11/15/2011
I've experienced some of this, too. When I try to paste a list into a module, the last item shows up on top.
In one of the earlier forum posts here on Wizzley, Simon blamed this weirdness on the editor, which is a third-party device, which is why we can't do anything about it.
I think that's why Squidoo gave up on a WYSIWYG editor, after testing in for a while, some time ago.
Personally, I regretted their decision. IMHO, the ease of use still outweighs the occasional hassle.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 11/15/2011
Ok thanks... so I guess that means we'll have to keep editing offsite before inserting into a text capsule?
on 11/15/2011
Whatever works best for you, Susannah. I always write my content directly into the modules.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 11/15/2011
I usually do too (PS I love the option to download our wizz articles!)... but often I go back and insert things in different places etc....
on 11/15/2011
Interesting, I haven't had any trouble.