on 09/07/2011
Thanks for the message you sent me, Wizzley team. I did have to go translate it though. :)
"Einer oder mehrere Ihrer Artikel wurden für herausragenden Inhalt und einen besonders gelungenen Aufbau von unserem Redaktionsteam mit einem Stern ausgezeichnet"
Vielen Dank!
on 09/07/2011
I have just been checking my email remotely on my 'phone and have the same email! I got as far as working out that one of my pages has merited an Award? But not much further! Will copy it into a translator when I am back at base LOL
on 09/07/2011
Sorry, Nicki. I've translated these notifications yesterday, but something went wrong.
"One or more of your articles have been awarded with a Gold Star because of excellent content and creative layout."
We're about to unveil a new feature: Gold Stars for top articles. These articles will then be shown on the Wizzley front page under "Editor's Choice", and increasingly in the side bar as well.
Bitte, bitte...gern geschehen! (You're welcome!)
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 09/07/2011
Ah, no need to apologise, Achim. It was actually quite fun to get a mystery message, though I thought I'd better let you know it wasn't in the expected language.
Oh and... Congratulations Paul!
on 09/09/2011
Glad the WordCustard started this thread. I didn't take the time to translate. I thought it was notification of a comment in a duel module.
Thanks for my gold star!
Chef, FYI, the gold star is showing up as an Amazon logo on My Pages page.
And that same pesky Amazon logo is showing up for the SHARE button on my wizzes.
(I use Chrome.)
on 09/09/2011
Thanks, Jimmie. I've notified Simon.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 578
on 09/09/2011
Reloading the page without browser cache will fix the problem. We made a small change and an older file version is still used by your browser. That's all :)
on 09/09/2011
Really? The problem is gone, but I didn't clear my cache. Anyway, it's nice to have it fixed. I do love the Amazon logo, but it seemed quite out of place.
on 09/18/2011
Just returned from holidays, I found two Gold Stars. They made my day!