Or sleeping with a knife under your pillow to cut the pain during childbirth?
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Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
yep...those Old Wives' Tales had a lot of one on pregnancies and children :) Some are fun, and some oh you will have to read my article :) Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Btw Kathy, I am only a taskmaster for myself. I am certain whenever you have the time to write a craft lens, it will be wonderful and well worth the wait. Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Oh, I am sure I can remember a few that do not have to do with childbirth. Both of my grandmothers where full of such "wisdom" LOL I am searching the recesses of my mind.... Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
How about, don't plant flowers after dark or they will die. Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
There is always the old one of the groom not seeing the bride on the wedding day because it is considered bad luck. Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Also, thunder is the devil beating his wife. (One of my personal favorites) Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
My husband just reminded me of a bird flying into your house being bad luck or a symbol of death. (I heard bad luck, but he said his New Orleans grandmother said it was death :) Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
There is always the black cat and the walking under a ladder will cause bad luck. Personally, I hug black cats and walk under ladders just to challenge that myth. Also, breaking your mother's back by stepping on a crack. Breaking a mirror is 7 years bad luck. Ears are burning, someone is talking about you. Nose itches, someone is coming to visit. (Of course, with that one, I bar the door :) If a picture falls off of a wall, someone in the family is going to die. A cricket in the house is good luck. (Now that I remember that one, I am going cricket hunting) LOL Lifting your feet when you cross railroad tracks, yikes! I think we did that to get a boyfriend :) Oh yeah, throwing salt over your shoulder for good luck. (Ok, I admit, I do that!) One I am very familiar with right now, pulling out one gray hair will cause ten to grow in it's place :) Holy cow! What about not braking the ribbons on a gift at a bridal shower or you will get pregnant. (the bride of course :) Am I helping? Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Wow C....you have some good ones here :) I had some of them, and forgot about the cricket. A couple I don't know....LOL will it be plagurism if I use them :) Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
No way babycakes! That came right out of our mouths to you with love from our grandmothers :) Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
My husband is yelling from the kitchen now to not forget the mistletoe :) Leave it to him to think of kissing! LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
C- aren't these fun? Do you remember the Boogy Man? Kathy M.
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Alrighty then....I love the ones you have here...I got some of the European ones, and just couldn't remember ours :) Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
I DO! He still visits me in the dark! LOL He hides in my closet and under my bed! Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Tell hubby thanks for the bird and the misletoe :) Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Ah, girl, you are talking to a lady from the deep south. We have more old sayings than you can throw a stick at. (I have no idea what that really means) LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
LOL I haven't thought of him in years, but sure remembered him today..... Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Yeah, well, just don't give him too much thought or he will come visit you tonight. LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
LOL maybe you should have picked the Old Wives' Tales Title to write about......:) I am from So Cal and don't really remember too many of them, ours that is :) Kathy M.