Oh, he wants to know if you remembered the rabbits foot and the four leaf clover?
(my husband, not the BM)
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Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Oh, he wants to know if you remembered the rabbits foot and the four leaf clover? (my husband, not the BM) Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Oh no....in my homeless program I have enough Boogy Men (ladies) to last me a lifetime thank you very much :) And my room-mate is probably a direct decendent....I am sure of it! Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Totally ROFLOL! I never considered it and we are more than happy to help you! Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
LOL...it;'s one thing for the BM to visit at night and hide under your bed, it's quite another for him to talk to you :) Yes, I remembered the rabbit foot, but not the four leaf clover... Kathy M.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Just read about your roommate and now I am really rolling! You poor thing! Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Ok, let me think. I know there are ways to get rid of an evil spirit. LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Hey C....where did your mouse go? it looks like you aren't applicable LOL :) Kathy M.
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Hey C....I think these Wives Tales have taken over your Crafts Thread....but hey, at least you (we) got a good compromise before drifting off....LOL :) Kathy M.
Posts: 3100
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on 06/19/2011
The mouse is back, the mouse is back!!! Our automatic spam filter gets suspicious if there are too many posts from the same user, quickly in a row. Once you're an established user with 5 quality articles under your belt, this shouldn't happen anymore. I'm enjoying your enthusiasm, ladies. Nothing mousy about it... Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Ha! I am back! Chef is a little Speedy Gonzales ! He jumped right in there toot sweet and got me reinstated! Now, where were we? Oh yes, must think of getting rid of evil spirits. LOL It really was too funny that I had just written that when my mouse disappeared :) Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
I am trying to think..... I know garlic will get rid of vampires! Wonder if that would work on your roommate. Chef - Thank you ever so much! Do you ever sleep? LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
Oh, yeah! While I am thinking about evil spirits, I remembered the thing about dropping sissors, your spouse is having an affair. Yes, my mind works in mysterious ways! Sylvestermouse
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
He is yelling from the kitchen again. He said "too many hands spoil the soup!" Men!!! It is always about the food! Well, food and kissing, I guess! LOL Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Oh Chef...that is funny :) When I saw our mouse was n/a it was like what????? LOL, so glad you weren't in bed yet...I still have to get rid of the evil spirits :) Kathy M.
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
LOL mouse, it sure was....and hey you must have written more than me, as I was/am still here. Wonder if I typed as fast as you if I will disappear too :) Kathy M.
Posts: 3100
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on 06/19/2011
I never thought THIS old wives tale to be true, but apparently it is. It goes... When the mouse runs across the keyboard, the spam filters go nuts! Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 70
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on 06/19/2011
I know, I know! We are both pondering that now! Don't forget knocking on wood! Sylvestermouse
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
Food and Kissing....LMAO :) Yep, that's a good one! Kathy M.
Posts: 3100
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on 06/19/2011
KathyMcGraw: 19. Jun 2011, 22:50 Try it, Kathy...I'm still up for a few more minutes. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 131
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on 06/19/2011
chefkeem: 19. Jun 2011, 22:51
Kathy M.