I think it was yesterday, or maybe the day before, someone left a comment on one of my pages. When I clicked on the user it took me to a squidoo page. Now I know that this has happened to others, because I read about it in the forums. I deleted the comment because I thought it was just Spam. The thing is, when I checked my Viglink account today, it's showing two clicks to squidoo and commission paid for the clicks to their charity. I'm a bit concerned, because it's showing up in MY viglink account and I don't even write for Squidoo.
Help me, please!
This is a bit concerning. | |
Posts: 379
on 11/21/2012
Posts: 379
on 11/21/2012
2uesday, it's showing revenue that has been donated to Squidoo's charity. It's not that I'm concerned that revenue was created, I have no outgoing viglink links on that page, just that a, what I consider to be a spammer, is somehow connected to my viglink account. |
Posts: 688
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on 11/22/2012
HollieT: 11/21/2012 - 03:38 PM It is showing up in your Viglink account because the link to it was here on Wizzley and somebody clicked it here on Wizzley and was then taken to Squidoo. |
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
Yes. Is that usual, Sam? |
Posts: 688
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on 11/22/2012
That is what Viglink does, it shows you which links were clicked and any resulting commissions. |
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
It's just that I thought the resulting commissions would be those generated by my pages. It is showing a commission to Squidoo's charity, but under my account. |
Posts: 688
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on 11/22/2012
Can you post a screen shot of what you see? SY |
Posts: 3100
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on 11/22/2012
This is so confusing. A screenshot is the only way to get some clarity about this. Do you know how to take a screenshot, Hollie? Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
I don't Chef, I have no idea how to take one. I'm useless. |
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
Ah, I've just had another look, it states bloomingrose/click to give to charities/squiddo 2clicks. But when I look to the left hand side it says (symbolised by a little half moon) non-monetised. Sorry, panic over- I misunderstood the data shown. |
Posts: 3100
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on 11/22/2012
Try to learn how to take a screenshot, Hollie. Google it - there are many free tools around. It makes everything so much easier for people who want to help you with such issues. Glad this is resolved. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
Thank you, I'll look it up on Google and go from there. |
Posts: 478
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on 11/22/2012
Hi Hollie, There's a key on the keyboard for print screen. It should be to the right of your keyboard, right above the numbers. On my laptop it's surrounded by a rectangle, which is to say it works with the function (fn) key on the bottom row. So what you do is press fn and that prt sc key at the same time. Then you go into a photo-editing program, open a new document, and press ctrl + V (paste), and you'll have the Web page there as an image, ready to be saved. |
Posts: 379
on 11/22/2012
Thanks Mira, could I use a programme like paint.net or Gimp? |
Posts: 3100
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on 11/22/2012
Don't make it so complicated. Get a simple screenshot app - your browser may have one built-in - where you can drag a frame with the mouse and then save the whole thing as a .jpeg or .pgn to your hard drive.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.