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Help me, please!

where do we see zazzle clicks stats?

Posts: 46
on 10/28/2012

Sorry if this has either been asked before or is so obvious I should not need to ask.

In the module clicks feature, we see amazon and poll clicks. I don't see anything for zazzle clicks. It would certainly help me to know which of my zazzle products offered on articles are drawing clicks and which not. Where can we see these?

Posts: 578
on 10/28/2012

Hi wrapitup, we don't have internal Zazzle click statistics. Possibly you get those inside your Zazzle account. On Wizzley, we only have a detailed analysis for Amazon.

Posts: 46
on 10/28/2012

I don't know if zazzle has a way to set up seeing how much traffic comes from various sources, but I'm sure we could not get the kind of information that is available to us as per the amazon clicks stats we have here. It would be so much more helpful to see the clicks related to our specific modules on the articles just as we can for amazon. That would help modify what we offer according to what people seem to be most interested in when they land on specific articles.

Posts: 1088
on 10/28/2012

I don't think there is any way to find this info at Zazzle.  The only way I know, is when I advertise something here at Wizzley on a page and then it begins to sell.  I can only assume that the sales came from here.  I almost never get referral money from linking anywhere, ever.

It' seems that there is a way at Zazzle to make your links a certain way that will tell you where the sale came from, but I doubt you could link that way here at Wizzley.  I can't find the info on it at Z now.

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