on 03/24/2012
I haven't been able to add a YouTube video into my articles all morning.
It says that the source server is unavailable, though YouTube itself is happily up and running.
I'm leaving this here mostly as a head's up, just in case Simon et al didn't know about it. Refreshing the page doesn't help at all.
Edit: I got one in. Saved. Went to add a second one and not only was the server unavailable, but it crashed Foxfire, then my whole computer. :/
on 03/24/2012
It works fine for me. Did you try empty cache/restart browser?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 578
on 03/24/2012
Hi Jo, I checked here, too, but didn't run into any problem. There might be problem with specific search terms (e.g. with special characters) or specific videos (protected ones). But it really shouldn't crash your browser - and even more: it can't crash your system! The system crash hints at some more severe problem - not caused by Wizzley, but maybe by some browser extension or firewall or antivirus ...
on 03/24/2012
Thanks both.
Your answer doesn't really surprise me. My hard-drive has been chugging away just recently, beyond even the scope of CCleaner to fix.
Time to get outside with a can of compressed air, methinks.
Thanks for looking into it.
PS As you can tell from my Britain's Got Talent article, I can get You Tube videos into that just fine! Weirdness, in all its forms.
on 03/25/2012
Jo, I have experienced this on a number of occasions. I have not tracked down the exact problem yet but I have found that I get it when I have the video open in YouTube at the same time as trying to load it into the video module. Not all the time, so weird as you say.
Maybe you do the same as me and track a video down in YouTube, watch it, copy and paste the link whilst the vid is still running in YouTube.
on 03/25/2012
Yes, that's precisely what I did. Ah! Thanks for helping me hunt down the cause of the problem. <3