As someone who has the assertiveness of a small flea, I really loved Katie's article:
How to Say No
I'm seriously going to bear it all in mind. (Then promptly forget when someone asks me to do something.)
How to Say No | |
Posts: 1816
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on 07/05/2012
As someone who has the assertiveness of a small flea, I really loved Katie's article: How to Say NoI'm seriously going to bear it all in mind. (Then promptly forget when someone asks me to do something.) My stuff: A Writer's Guide to Wizzley | Beautiful Britain!
Posts: 979
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on 07/05/2012
Thanks Jo, I'm going to check in with you on a regular basis. I'll simply add How to Say No in the message I send with my most positive thoughts :) I think of you and 100 mile per hour quickly comes to mind Really, thanks for the honor Katie McMurray
Posts: 1816
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on 07/06/2012
LOL! I can so see you doing that as well.
I've been trying to work out how I missed this Wizzle when you actually posted it. I read all of the others. I think it's because I was faffing around in Glastonbury at the time, so not paying attention.
My stuff: A Writer's Guide to Wizzley | Beautiful Britain!
Posts: 979
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on 07/06/2012
lol, so true, I can imagine that as well. You were a bit busy and with the new improvements occurring I all but read a few of yours as you were on fire. Katie McMurray