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Loved this Page on Invasive Species in Britain

Posts: 100
on 04/02/2015

I recently discovered this page, Invasive Species in Britain by frankbeswick.

I'm a big fan of this topic and I like how this page covers both animals and plants (I've touched on invasive plants in some of my pages but have yet to talk much about animal species). I also see that this page has already won an Editor's Choice award, so I'm evidently not the only one who likes it, but I just want to say I really appreciated it and it's one of my favorite pages yet.

I also found it really fun to read about invasive species in a different eco-region. There are some interesting overlaps as well as differences between the U.S. and the UK.  For example, Japanese knotweed is invasive both places, but I was surprised to learn that Rhododendrons (which are native here) are invasive over there.

Alex Zorach, editor of RateTea and co-founder of Why This Way
Posts: 1088
on 04/02/2015

Even though I don't live in Britain, I enjoyed Frank's page.

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