on 04/23/2013
I've been a bit remiss at logging in and introducing myself but domestic things got in the way as they do. However, I've just completed my Profile (after putting up 3 articles) and thought I'd say 'hello' here as well and ask for advice on something that perhaps I should know. When I put in my twitter address @marinicholson it asked me for an URL. I know what a URL is on an article, but on twitter? Same thing happened when I inserted my website title, it asked me again for an URL. Can anyone enlighten me?
The other thing I can't figure out is the Page Footer Signature. I've searched through the FAQs and all the material on putting up articles but can find nothing there. I really would appreciate any help you can give me.
I am sure to have many more queries, but I've ordered Jo's book on How to Write for Wizzley, so hopefully I shall manage to do some work without having to make too many plaintive appeals for help.
on 04/23/2013
Welcome it is wonderful to have you here.
Katie McMurray
on 04/23/2013
Right. I think Jo's book should go right in the FAQ section. Not that we don't want to help you here as well :)
You can set up the page footer signature in Settings. I don't use Twitter, so I can't help you with that, but there are some articles on Twitter here on Wizzley, I believe.
on 04/23/2013
Thanks, but what exactly is the Page Footer signature? Is it my normal signature, or a special signature I should adopt to sign in with, or where will I need to use it?
on 04/23/2013
Here's your URL Mari: http://wizzley.com/authors/Maritravel/ Welcome to Wizzley!
The page footer is inserted at the bottom of every article that you write here. I've never got round to doing one (remiss of me!), but I've seen one on Katie's pages. Look here, then scroll past the comments. Can you see where it says, 'Need a Change in Life, Join my Challenge http://katiem2.bodybyvi.com/'? That's Katie's page footer.
Thank you very much for ordering my book! And thank you for your kind words too, Mira. <3
on 04/23/2013
Mira: 04/23/2013 - 02:57 PM
... I think Jo's book should go right in the FAQ section. ...
I second that, for Amazon.com users her book can be found here:
Anybody else, just search for her book on your Amazon version ;-) SY
PS Welcome to this great writers community!
on 04/23/2013
Hi Maritravel,
Welcome to Wizzley. I look forward to reading your articles.
on 04/23/2013
Hi there! I'm glad you've joined us here at wizzley.
on 04/24/2013
Thanks for all the help. I've sorted out the URLs now. I was putting in the correct main part but omitting http:// in most cases.