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Newbies say "hi"

I'm up to two, so I'll say hi to you!

Posts: 6
on 06/04/2013

Rhyming, right?  What can I tell ya?

I'm Jesse.  I've been writing pretty much forever, but I just joined Wizzley at the advice of one Ms.  Harrington about two or three days ago, and I only just got a chance to introduce myself, so here I am.  What do I write?  Well, my first Wizzley page is about video games, and my second is about The Venture Brothers, so this site seems to be an outlet for my nerdiness!  That's cool, see, I've got it all figured out.  Nerds have jobs, and can therefore afford to consume material goods, thus responding to advertisements and, consequentially, funneling me money!

But in all seriousness, I'll create pages about whatever really gets on my mind.  I used to review dystopian literature over at *wince*, but they decided on a third site revamp in a year and, well, believe you me - I want my frikkin' articles back under my full control.  Just not badly enough to make it a priority over other projects.  *Sigh*

I also write books!  I've got paperbacks and Kindle books, science fiction and fantasy all around!  If you're interested (especially if you'd like a copy to review!), let me know and I'll hook you up.  Also, and I'll link to it because it's free, I do a silly webcomic with Lego that any manga/comic/fantasy fans may enjoy.  And, I scribe a blog about my home-town, but that's kind of not significant, globally.

Otherwise, let's all have a good time, eh?

Posts: 3100
on 06/04/2013

Welcome to Wizzley, Jesse!  Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 847
on 06/04/2013

Welcome Jesse.

Brenda Reeves
Posts: 374
on 06/04/2013

Hi Jesse! Welcome. 

Posts: 6
on 06/04/2013

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!  :)


Who lies pie?

Posts: 626
on 06/05/2013

Jesse, welcome to the wonders of Wizzley and the wonderful community. Apparently you are just in time for a site revamp (oh dear!) but, if other Wizzley (Pagewizz) revamps are anything to go by this one should show improvements to our overall experience, rather than a *wince* knee-jerk reaction to external forces (to be unnamed). And Jo will be able to walk with you through all the goodies here - have fun!

Posts: 162
on 06/05/2013

Hello! Welcome aboard. ;)

Posts: 1816
on 06/05/2013

Hey Jesse!  You found the forum!

A public hello and welcome to Wizzley.  You know where to find me, if I can help out with anything.  As you've already seen, the Wizzley folk are really friendly.  I'm confident you're going to love it here. 

Have you found all of the ex-Suite people yet?  There are several around, though I'm already thinking of them as Wizzley people now.

Posts: 979
on 06/05/2013

Hi my name is Katie, Welcome and good to meet you.

Katie McMurray
Posts: 6
on 06/05/2013

Ahh, Jo, always nice to see ya around.  Since ya mentioned Suite, yeah; that's the first of these kind of sites I wrote for, and I wrote a lot there, so eventually - if I find a groove I like! - I'll write a lot, here, too.


Otherwise, thanks again for the greetings!

Posts: 1816
on 06/06/2013

When Suite first went belly up, there was a mass exodus here.  You'll find that first wave of people in this forum thread.  That's the quickest way to link you to the profiles of old, familiar faces.

But, like I said, everyone's so friendly here, you'll feel like you've known everyone for years in a week or two.

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