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Posts: 140
on 03/20/2012

Thanks for all the hard work and sharing the information gained from the testing. Smile.

Posts: 1210
on 03/20/2012

yes, thank you. I agree Chefkeem. The site will evolve in time, is this site only 10 months old? A bouncing baby Wizzley? :)

Posts: 3100
on 03/20/2012

Yup, we went live in the last week of May 2011. Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

I kind of like that this site is barely a year old, makes me one of the "charter" members :) I would very much like to contribute to this sites growth and dominance. It definitely has the potential to do that, but the first 3 years are usually the growth years so it's hard to convince new members to move content from older sites that are "earning" instantly due to their age, growth, etc... in place (i.e. hp I put a hub up and the next day I got eBay sales), but you'll get there, and when you do you'll dominate the stratosphere :)

I'm going to produce a thread of feedback on the site. I've spent 2 days pushing through everything and I'd like to share my views (all good) as feedback is the cornerstone of success in any business :). I have to say I'm in love with this site already, you guys are doing an amazing job!



2uesday: 21. Mar 2012, 09:05

One of the things I prefer here is that I do not feel as if the ads. are invading and overwhelming  the writing and image area of the article.

 I know when I arrive on a page that has ads. everywhere;  I leave it faster than I would do otherwise. I find the layouts here less 'cluttered' than some other sites. I am guessing  there is probably a fine balance between maximizing income from ads. and turning away potential readers and customers.




Posts: 79
on 01/20/2014

These responses are all dated 2 years ago. Please update me on this. I have a couple of questions.

  • Is Wizzley (as of 2014) being penalized by Google because some of the “white space” or the Intro module (???) in older Wizzles were not been filled in, in the beginning or before the layout changes?
  • Evidently, Wizzley allows one href link in the Intro module, which I have begun to take advantage of. Not sure but I think it might help drive organic traffic to my Wizzles if it's a quality backlink. Is this wishful thinking on my part and am I barking up the tree at an imaginary cat?




Treathyl FOX aka cmoneyspinner.  Vocal.Meda Contributor.  Please visit!
Posts: 3100
on 01/20/2014

Wizzley has not been penalized by Google (or anyone else, for that matter).  Smile

I don't think a link in the intro makes any difference at all with regard to traffic. 

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 79
on 01/20/2014

Good to know Wizzley hasn't been "penalized". 

That's what I get for circulating stuff and don't know what I'm talking about.  Maybe penalized wasn't the right word.  Something or other about the Google algorithm possibly producing a drop in traffic to the Wizzley site ... (blank and/or question mark) ... might be because of empty white space ... I don't friggin' know.  Whatever!  Skip it!  Embarassed


Bummer!  I was really hoping that extra link in the intro module would help bring in traffic or boost ranking. Trying to trick the robot crawler thingy. Wink  (Hey!  I'm a hustler!  Can't blame me for trying!:) Cool


* Thanks for the response @chefkeem!  Laughing

Treathyl FOX aka cmoneyspinner.  Vocal.Meda Contributor.  Please visit!
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