on 06/06/2011
I just discovered that URLs can be changed even once an article is published. Sure, some of us know not to change a URL, but I'm sure many newbies would change it without thinking, based on what they thought were better keywords.
Can we have the URLs locked once a page is published, to preserve backlinks?
on 06/06/2011
I can see that changing a URL after you have a lot of backlinks can cause a problem, but if people are aware, then perhaps giving them the option to change a URL if they wish is not a bad thing?
I can think of some pages I published elsewhere where I would love to be able to change the URL 
on 06/06/2011
Maybe if a warning could be placed there then, for people who aren't aware?
on 06/06/2011
I have two urls I messed up. should I change them? opinions?? wow! nice to have that option!
what would it hurt to change them since they are so new? I don't think i ahve done any backlinking yet. tho some i do so automatically, i could be wrong.....
Life is what happens while you are making other plans.
on 06/06/2011
I think having the option to change the URL is a good thing, esp since there is no option to CREATE a unique URL when you first create the page. It just randomly spits out whatever it feels like and you HAVE to chane the URL after you have published otherwise you are stuck with the random thing you were given when you created the page.
I agree that it could become a bad thing with people changing URLs over ad over again, but I also think that no honest self respecting author is going to be changing their URLs once they've got the one they want in the first few days.
Changing URLs AFTER you've got backlinks is the sign of a spammer not a self respecting author.
We redefine the limits of insanity. We are Gods in our own insane asylums.
on 06/06/2011
Wendy - it's not random. Your page title automatically becomes the URL. You can then use the "Customize URL" feature to create any URL you wish after "wizzley.com/.....
The URL is supposed to be unchangeable once the article is published. I will verify this with our developers.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/06/2011
Aah - our developers had changed it back so you actually can change the URL after publishing. You're correct, Wry.
However, when you use the "customize URL" feature, a pop-up box will warn you about the issues with URL changes after publishing. I think that covers it pretty good, no?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/06/2011
That's good. I like to be able to change the url from the auto url that comes from my title. I usually put more in the title than I need in the url. And if you forget to fix that in the initial url assignment, it is a good tool to be able to fix that later before you publish.
on 06/06/2011
lakeerieartists: 06. Jun 2011, 12:22
That's good. I like to be able to change the url from the auto url that comes from my title. I usually put more in the title than I need in the url. And if you forget to fix that in the initial url assignment, it is a good tool to be able to fix that later before you publish.
Here here.
Sometimes I don't think about adjusting the URL until afterwards. Nice to have the option to fix it later - like publishing your own blog page.
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
~ Thomas Edison
on 06/06/2011
chefkeem: 06. Jun 2011, 11:25
Aah - our developers had changed it back so you actually can change the URL after publishing. You're correct, Wry.
However, when you use the "customize URL" feature, a pop-up box will warn you about the issues with URL changes after publishing. I think that covers it pretty good, no?
Thanks chef. Maybe if there could be a lock put on it after 24 hours or something? Otherwise organic backlinks, tweets, facebook links by other people may be invalidated.
on 06/06/2011
Honestly, I think authors should become aware of the issues and then simply follow best practices.
It's important to learn about proper page titles and the functions of URLs and a good description. We're always willing to help with any questions.
Btw, once you've saved a custom URL it won't change even if you decide to write a new title.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.