Fun Sandwich Cutters for Kids' Lunches

by Jimmie

Make a boring lunch more interesting with sandwich cutters. Sandwich cutters remove the crust while shaping the sandwich into two or more fun shapes like dinosaurs or trains.

If your children take their lunches to school, they are going to love opening the lunch bag to find a dinosaur or train shaped sandwich awaiting them.

Imagine how your children will show the sandwich to their friends and get lots of ooohs and aaaahs of admiration. Then your child will come home, feeling so loved by mom or dad who took the time to cut his sandwich into such fun shapes.

Sandwich Cutters for School Lunches

DynoBytes Sandwich Crust Cutter
$7.33  $6.95

Sandwich Cutters for Birthday Parties

If you like to go all out with themed birthday parties, imagine how great a sandwich cutter would be for the main course! Sandwiches are easy to make, affordable, and generally liked by kids. But they are a bit boring. Make them interesting and even fun by cutting them with these fun sandwich cutters.

As a bonus, the sandwich cutters can double as cookie cutters, so you can make sugar cookies in the same shape as your sandwiches!

The sandwich cutter does remove the crust. That may be a positive for you if you allow your children to remove their crusts. If you force your children to eat their crusts (or if they actually like the crusts), then these sandwich cutters may not be the best option for you. The idea is that you throw away the crust and a small amount of the sandwich (depending on the design).

Four More Sandwich Cutter Shapes

Butterfly, Heart, Bat, and Train
Evriholder Butterfly Bytes Sandwich Crust Cutters, 2-Pack, Red and Blue

These innovative cutting tools remove the crust from bread creating fun shaped sandwiches that any child will love. They're great for school sandwiches, parties and more. They ...

View on Amazon

Evriholder Bat Bytes Sandwich Crust Cutters, 2-Pack, Red and Black

These innovative cutting tools remove the crust from bread creating fun shaped sandwiches that any child will love. They're great for school sandwiches, parties and more. They ...

View on Amazon

SweetBytes Sandwich Crust Cutter- Heart Shape

SweetBytes Sandwich Crust Cutter- Heart Shape Crust Cutters are unique sandwich cutters that cut the crust off of bread while creating cute and fun shapes. Crust Cutters are ...

Only $5.0

View on Amazon

Evriholder Train Bytes Sandwich Crust Cutters, 2-Pack, Blue and Green

These innovative cutting tools remove the crust from bread creating fun shaped sandwiches that any child will love. They're great for school sandwiches, parties and more. They ...

Only $13.95

View on Amazon

Sandwich Cutters for Picky Eaters

If your child is a picky eater, a sandwich cutter may encourage better eating habits. First of all the shapes are fun to pick up, hold, and look at. Now, if you are discouraging "playing with your food," these sandwich cutters are going to be counterproductive. But if you don't mind a little silliness at the table, an elephant PB&J or a ham & cheese airplane will be a fun lunchtime diversion.

Better yet, let your child help with making the sandwich. If you have a set like the ones below, your child can select a prefered shape and cut it himself. (Sneak in a little eye hand coordination with this task!) Imagine how proud your preschooler will be when he cuts out his own dolphin sandwiches that can swim right onto his lunch plate.

How to Use and Care For Sandwich Cutters

It's easy to use sandwich cutters. Make the sandwich as normal. Then press the sandwich cutter on the top of it, going all the way through to the counter or cutting board beneath the sandwich. Carefully remove the sandwich cutter, reassemble the sandwich is necessary, and wrap it as your usually do.

The sandwich cutters featured here are all dishwasher safe and can double as cookie cutters.

Updated: 02/21/2012, Jimmie
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janices7 on 02/21/2012

Love using these cutters to make shaped sandwiches, cookies, rice krispie treats and even jello-jigglers. This page has been added to my Butterfly Baby Shower Ideas page because this would be a great addition to the shower party food. Fun!

sheilamarie on 12/07/2011

What a fun idea! I can imagine the whole family playing together with their food. The family that plays together . . .

Marie on 12/07/2011

These are great for parties because there are so many kids who hate eating crusts on bread. My daughter does but many of her little friends don't so they are an ideal way to make sarnies look more inviting - great for lunchboxes and children's buffets.

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